You can comment here if you’re watching the debate. I’m not; I’m watching a Tivoed Mythbusters. They’re making a rocket car!
BTW, John Hawkins is liveblogging. At 8:42, he declared the debate officially tedious.
The rocket car blew up.
Archive of entries posted on 15th November 2007
Ronin Profile: Sir Andrew
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Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s Sir Andrew.
What’s the story behind your name? I think “Andrew” was taken on some message board somewhere, so I randomly chose “Sir Andrew”.
Where do you live? Dallas, TX, USA, Earth, Sol System, Milky Way, etc…
How old are you? 17, 18 in about a month.
Tell us briefly about yourself. I used to be a nerd. A big nerd. Like the Star Trek-watching, computer programming, no social life type of nerd.
But then I found politics, and yet I am still a nerd. I plan on getting at least a Master’s in PoliSci and running for office someday, hopefully ending me up in the Senate so I can bring the smack down on these elitists.
How long have you been reading IMAO? I haven’t been counting, but I would say about a year and a half.
What’s your favorite IMAO post? It’s too hard to pick one, but since I have to, I would say it is the “IMAO Condensed: Gun Control” post.
If you were to describe IMAO in three words, what would those be? Brash, Off-the-wall, Witty. And yes, “off-the-wall” is only one word. It’s hyphenated.
What’s your favorite political issue? I would say that the threat of Islamofascism is my favorite issue right now. The pleasure one gets from schooling those smug Ron Paul supporters with their idiotic “blow back” theory is immensely satisfying. Think of the pleasure you get when you’ve put liberals in a sputtering rage, and multiply that by 100.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. My website is, which I don’t hardly ever update as much as I should. Basically it’s a place for the random and funny thoughts I have. Now that these questions have reminded me, I think I’ll update.
What’s your favorite Fred Thompson fact? “Fred Thompson can shoot a two inch group at 500 yards with a Nerf gun.” – Because for some reason, I didn’t get it immediately but it flew out of nowhere and smacked me in the face a day later causing spontaneous laughter.
If you commented in the last post asking for participants, you’re still in the running. Thanks to everyone who has participated thus far; just because you may not think you’re interesting doesn’t mean we won’t enjoy your story.
New Newsweek Columnist
Rove! Lord of Darkness!
Eh. His whole appeal is operating in the shadows, not out in front. Only way this will be interesting if he spends his column schooling that turd Kos and is even turdier followers.
Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact
John Edwards’s uncontrollable bad habit? Nitpicking Ralph Lauren’s Style Guide.
Two Words
But What About the Hidden Profits?
In an understandably desperate – yet still abjectly pathetic – ploy to make uninformed swing voters and other gullible mouth-breathers hate the war (and hopefully Bush, too, even though he’s not running in 2008) – the Democrats have released a “report” claiming that the War on Terror will cost America $3.5 Trillion.
Well, that’s the headline.
The caveat being that this includes “estimated” costs for some 10 years into the future, and by “estimated”, I assume they mean either pulled out of thin air or their fat asses.
I’m not sure how we’re supposed to take these simian-phizzed Karl Marx dopplegangers’ 10-year plans seriously when they can’t even predict what their positions on key issues will be when next week rolls around.
But the most egregious flaw in their hypocritical attack-dog accounting is that they include “hidden” costs of the war, i.e. adding their own made-up, rotten apple figures to the congressional war budget number oranges.
If they want to play that game, then we can play it right back. Let’s look at some of the hidden benefits that we’re getting for our well-invested war dollars:
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- Halliburton workers are really cleaning up on the overtime.
- Sales of Fred Thompson T-shirts are up! Up! UP!
- Ice cream manufacturers are now in the black from sales to hippy hunger strikers.
- Ditto for “Tofu on a Stick” franchise owners near protest sites.
- Michael Moore is making huge profits for the movie industry instead of living in his mother’s basement, playing Halo 3, and vampiring the filling out of Twinkies between sessions with his Happy Sock.
- Plus he can afford more Twinkies this way. I rate Interstate Bakeries Corporation stock as a “strong buy”.
- Thanks to the war, American school children can now find Iraq on a map, so most of the war budget should technically be counted under Department of Education spending.
- Batman, never lame to begin with, is getting even unlamer in 2008.
- As an alternative other the other news channels’ dreary, defeat-mongering war coverage, FoxNews invented the Perky Yummy News Babe.
- The Army re-instituting the draft for high-risk assignments in Iraq’s hottest war zones.
- I’m hoping that liberals will read that last one and flee in terror to Canada. Please note that without the war, that trick wouldn’t have worked. If it makes just one idjit leftist abandon ship, it’s all worth it.
And most important of all – ZERO Al Qaeda attacks on American soil since 9/11.
Personally, I consider the books balanced.
Frank Talk About the Republican Presidential Candidate
John Hawkins has a good post on what Fred Thompson’s political prospects are looking like. A lot of people seem to be down on Fred Thompson because he doesn’t seem to want the presidency enough because he’s not like Hillary and constantly glaring at the presidency while rubbing his greedy hands together while proclaiming, “Soon that power will be mine! All mine!” Who are Republicans planning on voting for, then? With the other candidates, you’re stuck hoping they’ll not govern as president like they governed in the past. Not only is Fred Thompson a great conservative with record to back that up, he’s the only top tier candidate without glaring flaws. Here’s my problems with the other top tier Republican candidates for president:
* Rudy Giuliani: He loves aborting babies and grabbing guns. He can’t help it. You just know he’s going to abort some babies while president and start taking people’s guns while they’re not watching. He says he’ll appoint some Supreme Court judges who will try and stop him from aborting babies and grabbing guns, but Giuliani is pretty tough and I don’t know if any judges will be able to stop him when he puts his sights on a baby to abort or a gun to grab. Plus, you just know he’s going to have huge scandals; he is from New York City. They will probably be an entertaining scandals, so weight that as you will.
* Mitt Romney: Governed pretty much as liberally as you would expect a Republican elected governor of Massachusetts would be. He was passing mandatory universal healthcare that used federal tax dollars to pay for abortions, but now he’s a conservative? If you’re generous, you can say he’s been a conservative all this time and was just pandering liberal to get elected in Massachusetts, but that’s still not too reassuring. Also, I hear rumors that he’s a Scientologist.
* Mike Huckabee: He loves taxes and illegal immigrants. In fact, the only thing he loves more is pie. It really looks like his presidency would just be the worst parts of the Bush presidency, and the only way he’d be remarkable were he to get back to his fighting weight and take the “Fattest President” title from Taft. And then there’s his name. Great name for a cartoon hillbilly dog, but not a president.
* John McCain: He’s John McCain.
As for how each of them will do on the War on Terror, they all have good rhetoric, but they’ve all had trouble on the illegal immigration and I don’t quite trust people to protect the country who don’t quite the sovereignty issue. How are they going to know what to protect if they don’t understand what borders are?
As far as I see it, Fred Thompson is the only choice.
BTW, I reserve the right to take all this back and delete the post so I can enthusiastically get behind whoever is the Republican nominee.