When it comes to offering a driver license for illegals, many are opposed to the idea. These people are short term thinker and must be dealth with immediately:
Not only do I think this is a GREAT idea, I have also taken the time to design the special application.
City State Zip
Phone Number
Application questions:
Are you here illegally? (Note: This question is used for diversity purposes only.)
What is the best time of day to find you at home?
Let’s say you had an emergency (hospitalization, injury, the election of more Republicans) Many illegals want to be helped by people just like them – other illegal aliens. Give us the name and address of 3 people you would like us to contact in case of emergency.
These are all I could come up with. But I’m sure IMAO readers would have other suggestions for this application.
Tell me – what other questions could we ask?