
Since I usually Google a couple things when writing an In My World™, does that mean my stupid humor posts involve more research than a CNN presidential debate?

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgJohn Edwards plan to fight hunger in America? “Let them eat cake”.

Wonder if the Foreword Will Be by His Dog, "Splash"***?

Ted Kennedy’s writing his autobiography, and he’s getting more than $8 million for it.
Wonder what the title will be?
I speculate thusly:

  • The Brother That Wasn’t Worth the Cost of a Bullet
  • Water World
  • No, I’m a Drunk (Alcoholics Go To Meetings)
  • Taxing & Spending for Dummies
  • It Couldn’t Be Camelot Without a Lady in the Lake
  • Brother Can You Spare a Liver?
  • If Oil Were Gin, I’d Attack Iraq
  • Dude, Where’s My Pants?
  • A Bridge Too Far
  • King Leer
  • Something Wicked This Way Comes
  • The World According to Grope

Any other ideas?
***Seriously, his dog’s name is Splash.

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Fred Thompson takes a bite out of criminals.

Crossing the Country, Bindle in Hand

Sorry to be away so long, but if you’re wondering what happened to me you can always turn to SarahK’s blog for what’s going on in the life of the J’s. Hopefully we’ll be to the new IMAO headquarters soon and I’ll be back to regular blogging (I have a few post ideas in mind, including a long overdue In My World™). If you don’t hear from me in a few days, though, send out a search party for the mountains between Nebraska and Idaho. If I’m not found, I hope you all die. That way I don’t have to worry I’m disappointing you by not blogging for you anymore (since you’ll all be dead).
So, what do you think has been the most significant thing that’s happened in politics since I’ve been on hiatus? I hope no candidate got attacked by monkeys while I was gone because it would really suck to not be able to comment on that.
Actually, I take that back. I hope Hillary was attacked by monkeys.

Did They Change Their Minds or Something?

Didn’t I hear a while back that the CBS news writers had authorized a strike?
Did that happen yet, or are they simply too lazy to peel themselves off their squeaky-creaky 5-wheeled office chairs and get their cellulite-encrusted hindquarters onto the picket line?