Ronin Profile: Fuloydo


Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s Fuloydo.

What’s the story behind your name? My actual name is Floyd. I spent several years back in the 80’s working for a Japanese company and all of the upper management and most of the engineers were Japanese who spoke English as very much a second language, if at all. Fu-loy-do was how they pronounced my name. (They pronounced my last name Ku-raa-ku. You have roll the “r” and give it a teensy bit of “l” for the proper effect.)
Where do you live? A (very) small town by the name of Adrian located about 50 miles south of Kansas City, MO
How old are you? I’m not 45 yet. 🙂
Tell us briefly about yourself. Disabled, spend all my time either reading or surfing the intertubes, and am a collector. (note: collector=geek….Science Fiction books, DVD’s, Movie posters, Fantasy swords, etc.) I also collect guns, as I can afford them, and I studied martial arts off and on for several years prior to my accident, including kendo, and still have all the stuff associated with those. Basically, I’m a geeky packrat. I speak a very limited amount of Japanese, just about sufficient to ask where the bathroom is and please can I have another beer, and I can fluently say “I don’t understand, do you speak English?”
How long have you been reading IMAO? Not sure….I first discovered blogs shortly after 9-11 and didn’t really get heavily into them until the memogate incident prior to the 2004 elections. I came across IMAO as a link from one of those, probably Ace of Spades though it could have been the puppy blender. Say three-four years.
What’s your favorite IMAO post? Split between the Know Thy Enemy posts and the cartoons. You are an incredible artist.
If you were to describe IMAO in three words, what would those be? Irreverent, with guns.
What’s your favorite political issue? The 2nd Amendment. “From my cold dead hands” is not a bumper sticker, it’s a promise. I have a Missouri CCW permit and I never leave my home without my Sig.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. I used to host on a server in my basement but got tired of the headaches. The site still exists but I’m no longer an admin and it’s no longer on my server. It’s an entertainment news discussion forum inhabited by the standard range of internet fanboys.
If Rose O’Donnell get her own show, what channel do you think it should be on? I’d say the Cartoon Network but that would expose our children to her……Bravo is the obvious choice……How about Animal Planet?

If you commented in the last post asking for participants, you’re still in the running. Thanks to everyone who has participated thus far; just because you may not think you’re interesting doesn’t mean we won’t enjoy your story.

A Snag Ram

Anagrams for all the presidential candidates. I especially like the Hillary one.

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgIf elected president, John Edwards promises to make antiquing an Olympic sport.

Bitch Bites Man

Can you believe it? Hillary Clinton doesn’t do well among male voters. I think that’s because even thinking of voting for Hillary causes shrinkage. Permanent shrinkage.
Edwards does okay among men, though, because he’s so pretty.

Annoying and Forgettable

The Democrats are going to try and tie troop funding to withdrawal again. They’re going to fail again as opinion against the war isn’t as bad the last time they tried and failed. Do you think it ever disturbs the Democrats that there is a war going on involving life and death and their main function is to annoy everyone who are actually trying to accomplish something.
It seems like in every movie there is a character whose main job it is to make the good guys job harder. There’s the good guys, the bad guys, and then this character who isn’t for the bad guys but just serves as another obstacle for the good guys to overcome… usually a bureaucrat. I’m trying to think of a famous example, but the best I can come up with is the EPA guy in the Ghostbusters movie even though I can’t remember his name. I guess there’s a lesson there: Those characters are always quite forgettable in the end.

Vietnamese-Americans Demand Apology for “Swiftboating” Remark

AMANA, Iowa (AP) – After claiming that his wife Hillary was “swiftboated” during the recent Democratic debates, Bill Clinton was immediately inundated with complaints about his insensitivity to the Vietnamese-American population.

“Whaddya mean I don’t get a purple heart for this?”

Pham Manh Cuong, founder of the Vietnamese Anti-Defamation League, explained his outrage. “Bill Clinton used ‘swiftboating’ to describe how his stupid cow of a wife can’t give a straight answer to a simple question. The fact is, American swift boats inflicted many traumas to my people during the war. These swift boats cut off my limbs and razed my village in a manner reminiscent of Genghis Khan. How dare he make light of that!”
Presidential hopeful Barack Obama dismissed Cuong’s reaction as ‘hypersensitivity’. “Come on. It’s an election year. I think old Fat Man Chong just needs a thicker skin. Besides, it’s not like Bill said ‘lynching’, which would be highly offensive to my blackitude.”
Although not outright apologizing, the former President did offer a clarification. “I understand the term ‘swiftboating’ may have been offensive to some people whose votes nobody cares about, which is a shame, really, because those guys make good fortune cookies. Anyway, I suppose I should’ve chosen my words more carefully. I meant to say that I thought Hillary had been ‘Auschwitzed’.”

Hillary Clinton Terrible Truths

When Hillary Clinton looks you in the eyes, it’s not a sign of respect. It means she’s hungry and wants to eat your eyeballs.

Ron Paul, Anarchist

Dean Barnett, who was one of my favorite bloggers until he recently left Townhall, has an article in the Weekly Standard that is perhaps the best explanation I’ve seen so far of Ron Paul’s inexplicable popularity among crazy people. It also includes some nice photoshops that illustrate his point nicely. Go read it and come back here to make fun of Ronulans in the comments.
I think people who think Ron Paul is a great candidate should be removed from society and put into forced labor camps where they can make us wallets (as prescribed by the Constitution). What do you think?
(hat tip Conservative Grapevine)

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Bullfighting doesn’t work with Fred Thompson as a matador because, instead of charging, the bull flees in terror. The audience, too.