You’ve Never Seen! …Anything! …Like This Before!

Watching this Corvette commercial from 1984, I’m stuck between thinking, “Wow! That’s awesome!” and “Were we all retarded in the 80s or something?”
I think the answer is we were retarded, but in an awesome way. So awesome.
(hat tip the Puppy Blender)

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgJohn Edwards’s eternal punishment in Hell? Having Carrot Top‘s hair.

Other Than Giving Rides to Marines, What’s the Navy Good For?

Hey, the Navy was killing Iranians back before it was hip & trendy. And yeah, I was there.

You can say “thank you” by supporting the Navy’s Valour-IT (Voice Activated Laptops for Our Injured Troops) fundraising efforts.

It *Does* Have a Name, Right?

“Someone please kill me.”

Ok, so your wife drags you out clothes shopping, you get into the Banana Boston Gap Republic Store of Bad Fashion Ideas or whatever the hell it’s called, and just before she disappears into the dressing room for 6 freakin’ hours, she hands you her purse and says “go sit down over there, I’ll just be a minute”.
Let’s talk about “over there”.
Is there a special name for that thing upon which unfortunate men must perch?
The Penalty Box?
The Bench of Boredom?
The Chair of Despair?
Come on guys, help me out. I know you’ve had to do time there. What’s that thing called?

Happy Birthday Marines!

It’s the day before Veterans Day, which means its the Marines’ birthday. Why don’t you give the present by donating to Valour-IT:

They’re still behind the Army in this fundraising competition, so helping them get ahead would be a great way to say thanks for all the evil foreigners they’ve put in the ground.

Hillary Clinton Terrible Truths

Hillary Clinton’s touring hospitals to promote her healthcare plan was hampered by the fact that when she is around sick people she can’t help but exclaim, “Suffering! Beautiful suffering!”

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Fred Thompson has released a comprehensive plan to save Social Security: Kill old hippies.