Biggest scandal ever! The writer of the Ron Paul spam article I linked to earlier has admitted in a Rudy Giuliani forum to having been bribed to write the phony article! Here’s video evidence:
I just can’t believe, though, she’d admit to being paid off in an open Rudy Giuliani forum. That’s seems kinda sloppy.
Wait a second… where did we see the URL before?
Am I the only one who finds this clever for Ronulans? I mean clever in how you’d call a dog clever for figuring out how to work a door knob but you wouldn’t say the same for a teenager. Anyway, it takes more brain power than their usual cutting and pasting statements in every blog comment section they can reach.
Archive of entries posted on 1st November 2007
Ronin Profile: Lily
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Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s Lily.
What’s the story behind your name? I have a bookmark that says my first name is from the Hebrew word for lily, and lilies are one of my favorite flowers, so yeah. I used to use Lady Lily, because my dear husband is a knight (of Columbus) but then he would say “You’re no lady, you’re my wife.” and that got real old. So now I am just plain old Lily.
Where do you live? Lead, South Dakota. 12 Miles from Sturgis home of one of the biggest Harley Davidson rallies in the US and 12 miles from Wyoming and 40 miles from Mount Rushmore.
How old are you? Well it’s like this, as a newly minted Democrat, I voted for Ronald Reagan in my first ever Presidential election even though my Grandmother-in-law-to-be tried to make me promise to vote for Jimmy Carter. She said he had vowed to open up the 7 freezers in the basement of the Whitehouse so the American people could finally see the Space Aliens they had in there, on ice, for ourselves. Grandma Margaret always did hate a cover up. She was the first moonbat I ever knew. But not the last. God rest her soul.
Tell us briefly about yourself. I am happily married to a great guy and we have 6 trophy children. Our oldest is a Mandarin Chinese Linguist for the Air National Guard. Next we have a son who is a plumber in Wyoming. (He makes more than all the rest of us combined.) One son works for G.E. Financial and is going to school full time for Industrial Engineering. These guys are all married and are parents to our four grandsons and two granddaughters. Our oldest daughter is a junior at the University of Arizona. She is double majoring in Linguistics
and Japanese with minors in Spanish and Arabic. One daughter is a junior in High School and is a talented musician who plays flute, alto sax and sings and who plans to be a Chemical Engineer but hasn’t yet chosen a college. Our
youngest is 12 and also plans on being an engineer. A roller coaster engineer, that is. I home schooled them all until I had to go to work to pay off some massive medical bill debt. I am a certified Catechist for the Diocese of Rapid City and I teach the Confirmation Class at my parish. I trained under Archbishop Chaput who is one of the best bishops I know and a great and holy man. I also work with our parish high school and middle school youth groups. I do actually have a paying job too and work in the local Middle School as a one-on-one paraprofessional (a type of teacher’s aide) teaching severely emotionally disturbed and academically challenged students. Since most of my own kids are now gone, I have lots of free time on my hands, so I am also going to school to finish out a degree in Computer Network Administration. I hope to be done before I am 50 and definitely before one of my students knifes me in the halls.
How long have you been reading IMAO? Since the just before the infamous T-shirt Babe contest. I just had to keep reading to find out how it all turned out. At first I was really annoyed when you hired on other bloggers, but I guess they aren’t quite as lame as they seemed at first. Now I wish you had hired me too. You don’t have any girls at all which is totally uncool. SarahK doesn’t count because she has her own blog and never posts here.
What’s your favorite IMAO post? This one.
[heh -Ed.]
If you were to describe IMAO in three words, what would those be? To quote the immortal words of a Nobel Peace Prize Judge…….Not entirely accurate.
What’s your favorite political issue? Once I realized that no administration is ever going to come clean on the frozen alien conspiracy, I have turned my attention to the life issues. All of them. I really believe that we can do better for women and children and old people than to kill them off if they seem to be inconvenient. I can
really get into Nuking the Moon and Terrorists, but the young, the sick and the elderly, not so much.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. I have a Facebook page that I use to keep up with my kids and grandkids who are far away. I also have a Myspace page that I use to keep in contact with my youth group kids. They really work great for that. Otherwise, I just post lame comments on the sites of others.
What’s your solution to the monkey political assassin problem in India? I would collect a select handful of the emotionally disturbed students that I know best, give ’em some weapons and ammo, some picture IDs (they can’t read) of the assassins in question, the promise of some M&Ms for hitting the right targets and a good tazering if they miss, and turn ’em loose. Believe me, these kids can really work hard at a job if given the right incentives. I don’t think people give emotionally disturbed, retarded kids enough credit or let them use their talents to their best advantage. It’s a win, win I tell you.
[That idea would make a great, inspirational after-school movie. -Ed.]
If you commented in the last post asking for participants, you’re still in the running. Thanks to everyone who has participated thus far; just because you may not think you’re interesting doesn’t mean we won’t enjoy your story.
Ron Paul Rumor of the Day
Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact
John Edwards frequently runs red lights while yelling “It’s ok! I’m doing it to help the poor!”. To his credit, it IS just as effective as the rest of his anti-poverty schemes.
War Over! Troops Coming Home!
WASHINGTON (AP) – In a stunning reversal of his pro-war stance of the last six years, President Bush has today announced that he is declaring the War on Terror “over” and will immediately remove all American troops from every foreign nation they now occupy. The decision was credited largely to this weekend’s nationwide series of anti-war protests.
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“I finally get it,” said President Bush. “For the last six years, I thought that ‘no blood for oil’ was just a meaningless slogan chanted by ignorant fools who didn’t take the threat of terrorism seriously. Now I understand that the war really WAS about oil the whole time, and I am deeply ashamed of myself. I only hope that by ending the war, returning the stolen oil and getting our troops home as soon as possible – or even sooner – the American people can find it in their hearts to forgive me. Of course, seppuku may be the only viable option at this point, but I’m ok with that.”
The victory for the peace-loving citizens of America has been a long time coming, but the taste of success is only sweeter for the delay. “I can’t believe it’s finally happening!” gushed professional protester/moonbat/narcissistic sociopath Cindy Sheehan. “It’s like a dream come true! Every weekend, I’d be out protesting, telling myself ‘THIS time Bush will finally listen’. People told me I was crazy for believing that endlessly repeating Democratic talking points would ever accomplish anything, but it turns out they were just as wrong as the people who told me that eating ice cream wasn’t ‘fasting’.
Republicans who feared that withdrawing American troops would be interpreted as weakness by Islamic terrorists were proved wrong by a tape released by Osama Bin Laden following Bush’s announcement. In it, the defintely-not-killed-at-Tora-Bora Al Qaeda leader promised “a new age of understanding between our peoples”.
“Now that America has agreed to leave our holy lands, we have no further disagreement with the Western nations. In fact, it turns out that this whole ‘jihad’ thing was a just a typo in the Koran. It doesn’t actually say ‘kill all unbelieving infidels’ after all. It seems the phrase is correctly translated as ‘institute constituationally-governed representative republics throughout the Middle East’. So, um, yeah… sorry about the whole 9/11 thing. My bad. Peace out. Don’t taze me, bro.”
Impeach pResident Hitlery Klinton (if she’s elected president)!
Wasn’t impeaching Bill Clinton fun? We didn’t even have blogs to help mobilize people back then, but we impeached him just the same and it was nothing if not hilarious. Throughout the Bush Administration, we’ve seen the left-wing nuts impotently try and get an impeachment movement going for Bush and Cheney, but why should they have all the fun? It’s time for conservatives to get behind a movement for impeachment and show those losers how it’s done.
IMAO calls for the impeachment of President Hillary Clinton! (if she’s elected; we don’t care if she’s Senator for New York)
Let it be written that IMAO was the first to call for the impeachment of President Hillary. You may think it’s a bit premature to call for her impeachment before it’s even guaranteed she will be president and before any we know of any specific high crime or misdemeanor to impeach her for, but with the race for the presidency starting a year earlier, so I think it’s only prudent to get the impeachment bandwagon started as soon as possible. Plus, we know that she’s going to do something impeachment worthy, so we might as well start collecting evidence now.
Right now, we already have allegations about her with illegal contributions from the Chinese. That’s too complicated for the average American to get outraged by (I don’t even understand it all), but it’s the sort of background details you can start an impeachment movement with until we find something more solid to get her on. She’s also concealing records in the National Archives and had her crony Sandy Burglar try and steal classified documents in his pants, so there’s more suspicion to show she’s impeachment worthy. Once we add the election day shenanigans to all that (I’m guessing it will be illegal aliens with driver licenses voting), we should have a pretty good case for impeachment even before she’s inaugurated.
What we need is a slogan and maybe a graphic for blogs to display who support the impeachment of President Hillary Clinton. The moonbats had “Bush lied! People died!” and I’m thinking something along the lines of “She’s a bitch! Throw her out!” but catchier. As for the graphic, we could just go simple and have “IMPEACH HILLARY” or we could do a countdown clock until we’re rid of Hillary which would countdown the time until she’s inaugurated (when we start impeaching her; I don’t think any official impeachment hearings should be held until she’s actually president).
So try to come up with slogans and other ideas in the comments. We’ll see if we can get other blogs behind it and get some Republican Congressmen on record for supporting impeachment when Hillary inevitably commits a high crime or misdemeanor. Let’s not take the possible Presidency of Hillary Clinton lying down!
This is going to be fun! Man, I missed impeaching a Clinton.
Hillary Clinton Terrible Truths
Ron Paul Supporters Are Made from Spam! SPAAAAM!
Just when you’d think Ron Paul supporters couldn’t be any more annoying, it ends up they’re using illegal spam to pester people about their screwball candidate. So that makes the Ron Paul base now twoofers, neo-Nazis, and spammers — every societal reject hated by the average American.
So now we know where Ron Paul got all those campaign contributions from: He just sent out e-mails pretending to be a Nigerian prince until he could scam the money out of some people. If you get any e-mails from Ron Paul or his supporters make sure you don’t give them any personal information!