I saw this on the Daily Kos front page over the weekend and thought I should pass it on. Apparently, President Bush’s evil has expanded to the point that HE’S DESTROYING MOUNTAINS! I don’t know all the details, but somehow Bush is currently destroying America’s mountains as even geographical features are no longer beyond his wrath. I guess in the nutroots eyes, Bush has now moved up from cartoonish supervillian to angry god.
A warning to the nutroots: If President Bush can destroy mountains, how easy must it be for him to destroy a blog full of wiener kids. Something to think about before you oppose him.
I was being lighthearted when I first wrote this post, but if you take an honest look at the issues you will agree that the number one problem facing America today is too many mountains. Thus I support President Bush in his mountain destroying initiative. It’s good to see that someone has faith at least the size of a mustard seed.
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