A reporter talked with the Islamic Rage Boy, and by the end of this article when I found out the government was trying to get him to stop protesting, I was like, “No! That’s all the poor guy has!” Seriously, from the sound of it, he has quite a rough life to be raging about but actually sounds kind of optimistic in that he think he can change things through organizing demonstrations. He even was against the 9/11 attack until he found out American’s own government did it (he’s illiterate in an area where there don’t get much outside news; what’s the conspiracy theorists in America’s excuse?).
Poor Rage Boy. Now I feel bad for making fun of him.
Archive of entries posted on 11th November 2007
Happy Veterans Day!
Heard this song from Drowning Pool while in the car and thought I’d share it. I like country music, but I certainly wouldn’t mind more patriotic rock songs:
Thanks to all the veterans. You guys make me feel pretty worthless. Also, a shout out to my brother, Joe foo’ the Marine, whose birthday is today and is also a combat veteran and now an officer in the Marines. He’s thirty today and well on his way to being an old grizzled vet.
I found out that Drowning Pool has made the song “Soldiers” available as a free download on the USO MySpace page. Also, it’s on their new album Full Circle.