Link of the Day

IMAO made number ten on Right Wing News’ list of forty favorite blogs. I hope IMAO is your tenth favorite blog too.
Actually, I didn’t even know there were that many blogs. I can only think of about five off the top of my head. How many are there now?

Ronin Profile: Whitehorse


Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s Whitehorse.

What’s the story behind your name? I always liked the paintings of the famous leaders & generals riding on a gallant white horse, drawing the attention of the enemy but smartly staying out of range! Plus, I just thought it sounded pretty cool.
Where do you live? Beautiful Pegram Tennessee, just outside of Metro Nashville Davidson County
How old are you? Most people who’ve answered this have been really creative; I believe, however, that brevity is the soul of wit! I’m 41 & already a grandfather to the most awesome grandson ever conceived & born!
Tell us briefly about yourself. 41 years old, married for almost 20 years to the same lovely woman. I’ve really become more interested & involved in the political process at the grassroots level over the last 10 years, though I started college as pre-law. I work for a really good company (which will remain unnamed) in the wireless telecommunications industry. The focus of my job is helping others succeed, coaching them to continue what is right & change that which is wrong. Sometimes I have to be kind of an A-hole, but at least I’m a nice A-hole… Have one son, 19; 1 grandson, 2 months; & one dog, 7 years. When I’m not working, doing whatever my wife tells me needs done around the house, or pontification on the social & political, I’m doing something else… My preferable something else is hunting – venison is good food!
How long have you been reading IMAO? Only about 6 or 7 months or so, however I’ve gone back through much of the archives – brilliant writing!

What’s your favorite IMAO post? I came here first for the Fred Thompson facts, & have stayed for it & everything else?
[Ha! You fell for my brilliant plan! -Ed.]
If you were to describe IMAO in three words, what would those be? This Place Rocks!
What’s your favorite political issue? Being honest, my favorite thing about politics is the election process itself. My #1 issue is the war on islamist jihadism, very closely followed by the pantheon of issues encompassing illegal aliens & border security.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. Yes, it’s – I don’t update it as much as I’ve wanted, however I have been told that at least 2 people (other than I) have seen it.
What is it about Islamic terrorists that liberals like so much? Pretty close match, in my opinion, between the smell of stale feces that comes from poor “toilet skills” & the fact that the islamic terrorists can carry a snack along in their unkempt beards…

If you commented in the last post asking for participants, you’re still in the running. Thanks to everyone who has participated thus far; just because you may not think you’re interesting doesn’t mean we won’t enjoy your story.

Open Letter To Prince

Dear Prince,
Hindu Love Gods did Raspberry Beret better than you did.
They still could do it better, and Warren’s been dead three years.
Someone who only uses your photo to help him vomit, so it’s legal, right?

Fred Thompson’s Web Guy Must Be Doing Something Right

Going by unique visitors, Fred Thompson easily leads among the presidential candidates from both parties with 635,000 for easily beating second place Obama’s 433,000 for whatever his site is. Surprisingly, Ron Paul, whose supporters have nothing better to do than hang out on the internet all day, rank’s third among Republicans and sixth overall.
I think Fred Thompson’s site would get even more traffic if it had like some cool flash games where you control Fred Thompson shooting terrorists and communists in the face and then have a bonus round where you cut taxes with a machete. The first presidential candidate with an awesome flash game is totally going to win the White House.
BTW, while September ended up being an off month traffic wise for IMAO, we still brought in about as many unique visitors a day as Kucinich got all month. Hopefully impotently trying to impeach the vice president will give him the popularity boost he needs!
(hat tip Conservative Grapevine)
Someone how this became one of the tops hits for “Ron Paul” on Google News, and you how Ronulans have nothing better to do than look for mentions of Ron Paul in the news all day…

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgJohn Edwards thinks riding a Segway makes him look butch.
Relatively speaking, he’s correct.
Bonus Fact from Casper the Friendly Host:
When John Edwards overheard one of his staff members talking about a receding glacier, he squealed “Hillary’s dropping out?”

Decapitate the Earth

Everyone seems to be worried about global warming melting the polar ice caps, but why would that affect us? Do we use them for anything? Some say that would raise the water level and flood coastal cities, but we’re a rich country and can make more cities if we need them. There’s plenty of land in the Midwest for cities, too. Anyway, cities with their high density of population are becoming less useful in the internet age.
I just don’t get what the problem is here. I say we go ahead and melt the ice caps so people will stop worrying about them. We could use nukes, but I’m afraid the radiation from that might be harmful to the environment.

If *I* Can’t Resist, I Know *You* Can’t, Either

Found this on My Way News via Drudge, and it was also recommended by Jeff in VA:
edwards pucker.jpg
You guys have fun. I’ll tuck mine away in the extended entry…
(Yeah, I know… “that’s what HE said”…)

Continue reading ‘If *I* Can’t Resist, I Know *You* Can’t, Either’ »

Clinton Impeachment Pool

What do you think Hillary Clinton will ultimately be impeached for when she’s impeached (if she’s elected president). I would think obstruction of justice or perjury would have the highest odds, but bribery also seems possible. Then there are the not as likely but still possible things like kidnapping, murder, and witchcraft.
What do you think Hillary Clinton will be impeached for (if elected president)?

Hillary Clinton Terrible Truths

Hillary Clinton is for banning all guns and all bullets… especially silver ones.

Lapse of Assault Weapons Ban Causing Guns It Didn’t Ban to Flood the Streets!

The big front page story on yesterday was a story saying Florida cops are having to deal more assault weapons and tries to link it to the lapse of the assault weapons ban. The problem is, the reporter keep referring to the criminals having fully-automatic weapons that were smuggled in from former Soviet bloc countries, i.e., actual assault weapons, which as you all know has nothing to do the assault weapons ban which only banned certain types of semi-automatic weapons, i.e., not assault weapons.
Now, police officers having to deal with smuggled AK-47s is certainly a story, but the reporters made this one complete crap by trying to tie that in with a bill that absolutely nothing to do with anything else mentioned in the story. I know it’s kind of confusing (it’s like a bill that makes jay walking a felony being called the “Anti-Pedophile Bill” and when you strike it down every proclaims “Now pedophiles are going to flood the streets!”), but it says this article was written by Susan Candiotti with Patrick Oppmann, Rich Phillips, and Ann O’Neill contributing, and we’re supposed to believe that of the four of them reporting on a story about the so-called assault weapons ban, none of them new it had nothing to do with automatic weapons. That’s makes them all either extremely ignorant of the agenda they were pushing or extremely dishonest.
I don’t even know how to pester these people into writing a correction — or just not writing crap — but if I did, I would. Maybe we should pass a five day waiting period on writing ignorant, agenda-driven stories about guns so people have time to think about what they’re doing. If a waiting period on buying firearms isn’t unconstitutional, then a waiting period on speech certainly isn’t. Let’s see if after five days the reporters still believe they want to be that dishonest and stupid.
A lot of people are pointing out this quote from the story:

Designed to shoot from the hip, fully automatic assault rifles such as the AK-47 can spray at a rate of up to 600 rounds a minute.

Now, I’ve never fired a fully-automatic weapon (they were $25 to rent at a range I’ve gone to at Idaho; who has that kind of money), but is it even possible to fire a fully-auto assault rifle without bracing it against your shoulder? I’m looking at you, veterans; do something useful for once and answer my question.
Do you think these reporters use action movies as a research tool?
Consensus seems to be that while fully automatic rifles can be fired from the hip, it only works as inaccurate suppressive fire and aren’t what they’re “designed” for. Also, with 30-rd magazines, it won’t last very long at that rate of fire (which is why suppressive fire is more seen with belt fed machine guns).

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Why it a bad idea to anger Bruce Banner? Because he’s a friend of Fred Thompson.