Ronin Profile: ZK


Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s ZK.

What’s the story behind your name? It’s actually an abbreviation of my old internet handle, Zerokun, back from when I was a huge fan of Megaman X. Since then, my taste in games and whatnot has expanded, but I’ll always remember this old handle fondly.
Where do you live? West Milford, NJ. A right-wing sanctuary in the left-wing corruption capital of the country.
How old are you? Old enough to vote and drink, but still not old enough to know better(read: 31.)
Tell us briefly about yourself. I’m just a simple man trying to make his way through the universe.
How long have you been reading IMAO? For a few years now. I actually discovered this blog from the Anti-Idiotarian Rotweiller. When I’d read your impassioned plea to nuke the moon, I knew I’d stumbled upon something worth following.
What’s your favorite IMAO post? If you’re talking about specific posts, it’s when everyone’s favorite globular mass of socialist agitprop gets a fine how-do-you-do from Mr. S.M.I.T.E. But if you’re talking about categories, I’m a particular fan of Fred Facts, In My World, Hate-Filled Lefty, LOLterizt, Adventures of Aquaman, and Know Thy Enemy.
If you were to describe IMAO in three words, what would those be? We Hate Monkeys.
What’s your favorite political issue? The war, tax reform, the whole oil thing, immigration reform, the first two Amendments in the Bill of Rights (I don’t actually own a gun myself, but definitely wouldn’t mind owning one someday,) and any time liberals get figuratively punched in their dumb monkey faces. And literally.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. I have a LiveJournal. ( Does that count?
[No. -Ed.]
Do you have a hanker for a hunk o’ cheese? Stinkin’ hunka muenster, yeah yeah yeah!

If you commented in the last post asking for participants, you’re still in the running. Thanks to everyone who has participated thus far; just because you may not think you’re interesting doesn’t mean we won’t enjoy your story.

Ron Paul Versus Fred Thompson

I’m trying to decide whether to support Ron Paul or Fred Thompson for president. Does anyone out in the internets have some advice for me?

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgJohn Edward’s idea of macho? Watching Titanic without Kleenex handy.

For the Heck of It

Ron Paul is dumb. I’m glad no one is voting for him. Who wants to bring currency back to the gold standard like a bunch of cavemen? I guess people with simple minds who like shiny things. Not Americans though. Certainly not people who respect the Constitution.

lolterizt! Part 23 – American Aiders & Abettors Edition

Time for a little mockery of the stupid citizens who keep rooting for the wrong camp:

carter on golf.jpg
cindy and jesse.jpg
hillary has power.jpg
jane fonda arms up.jpg
martin sheen says.jpg
obama karaoke.jpg
pelosi whip.jpg

Morphing from Michael.
From jihadonlibs:
michael moore says.jpg
From TGWShark:
From Josh:
tim robbins peace.jpg
Two from FormerHostage:
sad bill clinton.jpg
kerry optimism.jpg
Three from AlanABQ:
evil hillary.jpg
kos is.jpg
ronulan robble.jpg

Next week, back to mockn’ them squinty-eyed, head-wrapped, splodey-dopn’ furriners.


I feel like I should say something about American flags falling to ground simply by being in the presence of Hillary Clinton, but, really, what can I add to that?

A Potentially Explosive Issue

Are we supposed to pretend these don’t exist?

Do you know where the presidential candidates stand on volcanoes? It’s a continuous threat we face, but no one seems to have the courage to talk about it. At any moment, volcanoes could rip out of the ground and spew forth all the molten rock, ash, toxic waste, meth, diet cola, and other evil the volcanoes have stored up in their lairs deep within the earth. Volcanoes could kill millions, but what threat do we hear politicians talking about? Pirates. Yes, pirates are a problem, but even the most villainous, scurvy ridden pirate cannot compare to the destructive power of the average volcano. Plus, we can at least understand the motivations of pirates since we all have the desire to rape, pillage, plunder deep inside. The volcano’s desire to simply destroy everything on the surface of the earth is not something the average man can comprehend.
It’s time we get our politicians and especially those seeking the office of the president to tell us where they stand on volcanoes. It’s time they ask the tough questions such as what can we do to stop volcanoes? When and where are the volcanoes plotting to explode? Are any of the hills in our communities volcanoes in disguise? Are geysers in league with them? How do the Jews fit into this? Are they working in association with the squirrels?
We can’t just stick our heads in the ground when it comes to volcanoes, because that’s where volcanoes live.

Hillary Clinton Terrible Truths

If even one cough or sneeze in the audience at a Hillary Clinton event is unscripted, she spend the next hour in a back room screaming and tearing chunks of flesh from her staffers.

Thinking of Pakistan

I guess things are pretty messed up in Pakistan. Now, I don’t really understand the political situation there (I barely understand the political situation here; why do we care what Iowans think of the presidential candidates?), but I know they have nukes which makes this unrest our interest. What happens if radical Muslims take over Pakistan and nuke India? What will happen to customer service?
Hopefully things will work out peacefully. I think our troops are getting tired of conflicts in that region. They really want to kill people on the mountains in Europe or on a tropical island for a change. Maybe we, the American people, can help calm things down by sending cards. “Sorry for the unrest. Hope things work out. Thinking of you, America.” Then they’ll know that other people care about them and to not be so down. In the end, Pakistanis are just like you and me, except dumber and more violent. And they have six arms, unless I’m thinking of something else.
I really don’t know anything about Pakistan.

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

The reason the National Right to Life Committee is endorsing Fred Thompson is that they figured the best way to preserve life is to not piss off Fred Thompson.