I feel like I should say something about American flags falling to ground simply by being in the presence of Hillary Clinton, but, really, what can I add to that?
I feel like I should say something about American flags falling to ground simply by being in the presence of Hillary Clinton, but, really, what can I add to that?
It was her advance people that put them up. Clearly they feel confident enough that she’s going to win that they didn’t see a need to put them up permanently, as they’re going to come down in a year anyway.
“I think that their bases are not weighted enough.” – HRC
* Butt, HER base is more than adequate.
* Those bases were made in China. She needs to spend some of her Chinese money and buy bases made in the USA.
* Those flags are a lot like her political base – ready to fall at a moment’s notice.
* Hillary’s a bad luck clutz.
The country feels so betrayed by her that the flags refuse to wave for her.
It could also be like the soldier who was crossing his fingers during the handshake.
Flag: “Hit the deck! If we’re in the picture with her, people might think she’s pro-America!”
I was wondering when you were going to point that out. It sums up Hillary in such a short amount of time. Add in her laugh and it could be a campaign ad.
Does this seem more like an ominous forewarning of things to come? The message is pretty clear on this one. At least she refrained from desecrating it in front of the cameras, unlike her support base.
I’ll bet vampires feel weak around her…
BTW, who’s the douche that keeps posturing in front of the camera during the second half of that video? He looks like he’s trying out for America’s Next Top Model.
America herself tries to attack Hillary. The Ancient Greeks would have taken this as a bad omen and had Hillary exiled to Persia, where she would advise Xerses on how best to attack Greece. We can’t let this happen.
O.. M…. G….. I have an idea for a music track/video… quick, anyone have some good samples of Hillary speaking so I can cut them up a bit, and maybe some suggestions on some video editing software?
I think IMAO had linked to a YouTube video of Fox News parody on Hillary’s other-worldly cackle. I think it was posted a couple months back, so if you check the archives by month, you should be able to find it.
As for her speaking, I bet you could Google her speeches or find them on YouTube or LiveLeak.
It’s no different than when crosses melt or holy water bursts into flames in her presence.
So was this an act of God or was Satan going for a sympathy ploy seeing her poll numbers plummet in recent days?
The signs are definitely ominous:
American flags fall as Hillary turns toward them
On Veteran’s Day
At Waterloo