Barack Obama Doesn’t Care About Black People

Well, that’s not fair. It isn’t that he doesn’t care about poor kids in the D.C. area, it’s that he cares about teacher unions much much more. I’m sure that while he’s throwing around trillions he wouldn’t mind giving a few million to help the education of the poor in D.C. as long as it didn’t anger the teachers unions who consider getting kids out of failing schools a “threat”. But as is, tough luck.

There was a rally in D.C. to try and grow Obama’s grinch heart on the subject of vouchers, and now it sounds like he’ll extend the program for those already in it while letting in no one else new. For the kids still in the failing schools, screw you. You should have been a powerful lobby.


  1. Frank J., since 1965 it has not been a worthwhile goal of the Democrat party to elevate the educational attainment of black children. It would cost too many constituents.

    Someone with photoshop skills needs to “George Wallace standing in the schoolhouse door” Lightworker.

    “NTA education yesterday; NTA education today: NTA education tomorrow”

  2. Sure…you pricks at IMAO would like to put the Teacher’s Unions out of business. And so then what would happen to all the Teacher’s Unions kids? Didn’t think of that did you! See, Barack Obama is just protecting the children of Teachers Unions! It’s about The Children!

  3. My Dad recently retired from teaching after 40 years.

    At one time he was the NEA building rep for his highschool. Then the union stopped giving a rats patooie about the children or making sure its members were remotely qualified for their jobs.

    He spent the last five years of his career doing everything short of suing the NEA to try and get them to comply with Federal law and refund the portion of his dues that went for political donations.

  4. Sadly, education in this country is a joke. It works as a prime example of why nothing but the military should be run by the government. They are crappy at everything, and this bending over for the bigger lobby is never going to stop. How awesome was that CNN piece on how terrible this is, and how big a jerk he is. Wait, they didn’t do one? Good journalism.

  5. Hello???

    Why would he care about a school system he refused to put his own children into. After all if it’s good enough for the rest of us, it should be good enough for him. Besides the vast majority of those in charge of and working in the failing, dangerous and out of control DC school system voted for their man. They’re part of the 98% of African Americans that voted for “his royal high and mightiness”. Where’s the hope and change for them?

    Kind of makes one say hmmmmmmmmmmmm,

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