Random Thoughts

If I had a time machine, I could finally answer the eternal question of who would win in a fist fight between Mark Twain and Charles Dickens.

If scientists could just genetically combine a ninja with a pirate, we’d have a unstoppable super soldier!

New idea for Republicans: Physically threaten voters. If ideas aren’t popular, at least make them large and intimidating.

Little Known Fact: Cats pee in your mouth while you sleep.

Know what would be neat? An animal like an anteater but instead it eats squirrels. A squirreleater.

Where do people get this idea Jesus wasn’t judgmental? That’s his job: to judge everybody. He’s the most judgmental person ever.

I’m confused; is the Bristol Palin story a failure of abstinence or a failure of sex ed?


  1. Amen Frank. People who don’t read their Bible say all types of silly things. Just make up things as they go along. They want Santa not Jesus…oh wait Santa has a “Naughty and Nice” list.

  2. Twain would kick Dickens’ ass very soundly, in fact he did, literarily speaking.
    Pirates were hippies, and still are. There is nothing more dangerous than a U. S. Marine with his rifle.
    Threatening voters is a democrat tactic. Educating voters is what republicans do.
    Don’t let cats in your sleeping area.
    Squirrels are harmless, liberals need to be eaten.
    Christianity is self sacrifice, deal with it.
    Bristol? A teen age male knows no abstinence, his pecker gets hard when the wind blows, SHE should have used better judgement.

    If a gay man abuses his male partner is he guilty of a hate crime?
    Why do lesbiens use phalic devices, isn’t that a contridiction of terms?

  3. The Brisol Palin story is one of obvious Republican double standards. Republicans being the party that preaches morals and all and then GASP, a Republican candidate’s child has a baby out of wedlock it is something that must be discussed daily by every major news outlet (print, radio and TV) to show the obvious lying cheating dirty filthy rotten deviant inbreeding homophobic war-loving black-person-hating Republicans for who they really are…

  4. Mark Twain would win. When Dickens showed up for the fight, Twain would be all “Twain? Whose that? My name’s Samuel Clemens.” Dickens would, of course, apologize for the mistake, and when he turned to leave, Twain would nail him in the back of the head with a tree branch or something.

  5. The Bristol Palin story is nothing more than a silly hormonal teenager doing what her parents told her not to do, because “it won’t happen to me.”

    [sarc]Because ALL teenagers ALWAYS do EVERYTHING their parent(s) tell them to do.

    And of course Bristol Palin is the ONLY silly teenager who EVER got pregnant.[/sarc]

    Other than that, the teen-mother grew up fast (which is not necessarily a bad thing), and the family is practicing its pro-life principles by taking responsibility for the mother and child, using their own money and resources rather than that of the taxpayers, and by not punishing the baby for the action of its parents.

    Other than that, this wouldn’t even be a news story but since the family is Christian, pro-life, Conservative, and Republican, “family privacy” is not granted to them by the media like is done for the moonbat Hollywood celebs and Washingtonians. The only hypocrites here are the Liberal media.

  6. “If I had a time machine, I could finally answer the eternal question of who would win in a fist fight between Mark Twain and Charles Dickens.”

    Couldn’t the two of them just sit down, in a civilized manner, and discuss their feelings openly…then sue each other?

  7. “Also what if scientist added viking DNA to the ninja pirate mix?”

    They tried that once. The resulting child was raised in a lab until he was 5, when he killed all the guards and escaped by punching through a brick wall. He was later elected to the United States Senate and started going by the name “Fred Thompson”.

  8. I think it was a failure of Bristol to follow what her parents said. And she’s taking responsibility, so good for her.

    I think those who think Jesus isn’t judgmental have obviously never read the Bible or met Him. Losers.

  9. “If I had a time machine, I could finally answer the eternal question of who would win in a fist fight between Mark Twain and Charles Dickens.”

    Mark Twain of course. Charles Dickens was a bitter, whiny little b*tch and Mark Twain was a feisty riverboat man which is practically as good as a pirate. Hands down, no contest.

  10. Well I gotta vote Twain on this one…although I know nothing about Dickens from a behavorial perspective. But as was already stated Twain was a river boat pilot with a major port of call being NawLeans in its heyday. Not a place for the feint of heart.

  11. It’s OK to be judgemental when you’re right.
    Jesus is perfect, and therefore perfectly able to judge.
    Anyone else? Not so much.
    I agree with #20 about the offer of mercy – but remember,
    it’s a Limited Time Offer – Act Now!

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