It’s not shoplifting if you announce, “This belongs in a museum!” before taking it.
I don’t know why kicking puppies is a symbol of being evil and not a symbol of being a guy who likes fun things.
National leaders need to have a softball game together and the President of China needs to play first base.
Herman Cain seems interesting, but I don’t know if America is ready for a president named Herman.
A Christ-centered life is so hard; I wonder if I can get away with a Christ-tangential life.
I don’t know why kicking puppies is a symbol of being evil and not a symbol of being a guy who likes fun things.
Absolutely! If it’s okay to be a cow-puncher, it should be okay to be a puppy-kicker!
The Philadelphia Eagles have no problems with puppie kickers, so I guess it must be fun!
Jim and Frank,
Kicking puppies is terribly wrong, but not as wrong as kicking cows. Cows give milk and butter. Cows are a friend like no udder. Respect the cow. You come near my cows, my special bullet clip comes near you.
I am not ready for a president named Herman.
“museum”…you been watching Indiana Jones again?
Of course you can. Right up to the moment when God pronounces judgment upon you. Then, all bets are off…
And BTW, kicking puppies probably puts you a bit off that whole tangential thing.
I’m ready for any president not named Barack.
I wonder if I can get away with a Christ-tangential life.
Very popular choice.
“Herman Cain seems interesting, but I don’t know if America is ready for a president named Herman.”
I’m with DamnCat, as long as the next President’s name isn’t Barrack I’m OK. However, I find myself particularly attacted to the notion that the next President’s nane should be “Sarah.”
You’re hanging with the wrong crowd, Frank.
//A Christ-centered life is so hard; I wonder if I can get away with a Christ-tangential life.\\- Uh…….no. You can certainly get away with it here, but if you actually believe in Christ you’re going to be disappointed in the next life. One way or another the laws of justice will be satisfied. There’s the law of mercy too but you kind of have to earn that.
Sorry to be the bubble burster, but I’m the momma. It’s what I do.
Sorry, seanamahair, mercy is a gift from God that needs only be accepted. If you think about it, it’d be quite impossible to earn it.
Hu’s on first…bwahahaha!!
“I don’t know why kicking puppies is a symbol of being evil and not a symbol of being a guy who likes fun things.”
Puppy kicking already has the Obama presidential seal of approval. Sometimes he’ll even make a personal phone call to congratulate you on a fine job.
There’s the law of mercy but you have to earn that? And how is that possible? Salvation is a gift apart from works lest any man boast! We can contribute nothing to our salvation! We can’t even bring faith to the equation apart from the gift of the Holy Spirit! I’m not trying to “earn” anything. Christ has earned it for me! He did so on the cross where he proclaimed “it is finished”! All man can bring is but filthy rags! Tangential Christianity, probably considering that we are all still sinners and do not yet live in perfect harmony with God. We still need daily forgiveness for our sins.
Cling to the cross, know that your sins are forgiven and that God is in charge of everything! It leads to a much more peaceful and worry free life!
I’m using that museum thing…but I think I’ll wear a mask. Just in case.
Wow Frank I was going to jump on that tangent thing but so many people beat me to it. Cue the organist, play “Just as I am”.
I’ve been gone for too long guys
Guess so Ed, while you were gone Frank had his first grandchild.
The problem with “tangential” is that it usually happens at only one point. Bad analogy, mathematically speaking. Besides, what if God is the el supremo mathematician? He might just hate tangents and asymptotes!
Perhaps the question was in fact hyperbole?
Christianity if false is of no importance & if true is of infinite importance but it can’t be moderately important-CSLewis
Frank? Hyperbolic? Never.
You can’t expect mercy if you don’t do the things your supposed to do and do the things you’re not supposed to do. Seriously, how would that work? I must be confused.
Oh you beat your wife, abused your kids, drowned kittens and pushed little old ladies under the bus (no you’re not a politician, that would be much to close to reality). That’s OK you get mercy anyway? Really? Why then do what’s right here and now if you can simply get a “mercy” pass? I guess I don’t get the construct.
When I said you had to earn it I meant you had to be willing to repent, and try again. While we’re all human and make mistakes, we can’t expect that our acts and our intentions will simply be swept away. Faith without works is dead. Works without faith are dross. It makes living life here on our little slice of “paradise” somewhat more complex but nothing is worthwhile unless you have to work and sacrifice for it.
End of explanation, sorry if I offended.
Acts 10:34-35
Then Peter began to speak: ” I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right.”
Matthew 11:28
“Come to me, ALL you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
God’s got an open invitation to everybody, but only he knows for sure who will RSVP in the end.
How’s that old slogan go, “Work like it all depends on you, and pray like it all depends on God!”?