Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
A new report shows that only 17% of the government is actually shut down. The other 83%…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
A new report shows that only 17% of the government is actually shut down. The other 83%…
…continues to not do anything useful for the American people.
…should shut-up.
… are currently barrycading open-air parks, waters, and monuments.
…are assigned to guarding National Parks and Monuments
…are union.
… are Democrats.
…keep using the words “Essential Employees”, I don’t think those words mean what they think it means.
… resent the fact that the 17% are going to get back pay when this is all over.
…are trying to restrain a cookie eating walrus.
…are continuing to burn the candle at neither end.
… make up the Obama’s personal household staff.
… have given cookies to the right people.
…continues to deficit spend by the trillions.
…has been assimilated by the Borg and is continuing its efforts to destroy the world.
…aren’t allowed to leave until they finish signing up for ObungleCare.
… have increased their web browsing by 20% to make up the difference.
…can’t do ‘percents.’
… have been subpoenaed by Issa.
A new report shows that only 17% of the government is actually shut down. The other 83%…
has already taken up the slack.
…were told to bring their lunches as the government-run cafeterias are shut down. Instead, they broke into the kitchen and are eating the flour.
@9 You can’t stop me, you can’t even hope of containing me.
A new report shows that only 17% of the government is actually shut down. The other 83%…
are undeserving of cookies.
…napping under a shade tree somewhere in the quiet, abandoned National Mall.
A new report shows that only 17% of the government is actually shut down. The other 83%…
Is just a government rounding error.
…make up the 1%
A new report shows that only 17% of the government is actually shut down. The other 83%…
doesn’t like Americans either.
… are busy manning either the shredders or the cell phone taps.
…refuses to give up and let America win.
…work for the NSA.
A new report shows that only 17% of the government is actually shut down. The other 83%…
just acts like it is, and still gets paid.
…is hell-bent on achieving mediocrity.
A new report shows that only 17% of the government is actually shut down. The other 83%…
is keeping Obama’s golf course open and well maintained.
…are next. They just don’t know it yet.
A new report shows that only 17% of the government is actually shut down. The other 83%…
can fake working better than the other 17%.
…consists of the other 1/2 of the federal government according to the Government Accountability Office.
…are considered ‘essential’ but it’s not clear what they do – and don’t ask, you bitter, clinging, racist hoodwinkee.
A new report shows that only 17% of the government is actually shut down. The other 83%…
are missing, presumed paid.
…can’t do math either.
…are so unessential that the government didn’t even notice they were there.
A new report shows that only 17% of the government is actually shut down. The other 83%…
are still moving targets.
A new report shows that only 17% of the government is actually shut down. The other 83%…
I can’t tell…stealing candy from babies? Tripping little old ladies as they cross the street? Popping little kids balloons? Got me…
@#8: don’t forget the unemployment benefits they’re going to try to get.
A new report shows that only 17% of the government is actually shut down. The other 83%…
…are in a zombie-like, brain-dead, catatonic state – that will require us to pull the plug on them.
…is spying on the first 17%.
@21 Pbbt…. All someone would need to do is throw a cookie over a cliff and you’re done.
…are still trying to figure out why the government now costs 10% more.
…didn’t work to begin with.
…is so useless everyone forgot it was there.
…are not even American citizens.
…are professional protesters from the DNC.
@45 The flaw in your nefarious scheme, Walrus’ are very much like Bumbles.
A new report shows that only 17% of the government is actually shut down. The other 83%…
…actually consists of 40% real people and 43% fictitious people used in payroll padding — a scheme brought to Washington by Barry’s Chicago union friends.
…have stepped up their game to compensate and are now working at peak inefficiency.
… are out on a Smoke Break.
A new report shows that only 17% of the government is actually shut down. The other 83%…
is still screwing us, except we’re just 17% less screwed.
A new report shows that only 17% of the government is actually shut down. The other 83%…
are spending 135% of the money.
A new report shows that only 17% of the government is actually shut down. The other 83%…
…is not Detroit
…reside in the remaining 7 states
…is still way too much government
…make the 17% look good
…are in positions deemed too painless to furlough.
…are mostly too obese to move or just too asleep to care.
…are non-English speaking workers doing jobs Democrats are too stupid to do.
…are either essential or claim to be some percent native American and/or some other job for life minority.
…once saw Nancy Pelosi in the hallway and turned to stone.
Were actually already fired during the last shutdown and never noticed it.
…by weight, is Chris Christie.
… Wait, how did you know that it’s 83%? Are you using basic math? Only racists use math!
… Actually work for the government. The 17% left when they found out that no one was serving pie and punch.
…Are temps hired to harass tourists at National Parks.
…is being utilized to make sure that the 17% remains shut down.
A new report shows that only 17% of the government is actually shut down. The other 83%…
are working hard to get the 17% back on the job of wasting the taxpayers money.
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