[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #383,606)
By the way, the video actually ends at 1:35. The rest is just annoying t-shirt plugging that you have no obligation to watch.
[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #383,606)
By the way, the video actually ends at 1:35. The rest is just annoying t-shirt plugging that you have no obligation to watch.
First off it reminds me of the interview the owner of the Heart Attack Grill did “our food is bad for you, don’t eat it” but then I am a bit surprised that the Federal Government hasn’t made this sort of advertising mandatory for beer commercials. It isn’t a big leap from the warnings they forced the cigarette companies to put on their packages to seeing them force the beer companies to make adds like this.
Funny thing is, before modern sanitation, there were tiny animals in water which would kill you dead long before beer ever would.