With the Democrats asserting Bush lied, I’ve really gotten confused. See, back when I took my SATs, I got one question wrong in the math section. So, does that mean I was incorrect on one question on the SATs or that I lied on my SATs and should repent my sins?
You definitely lied, Frank J. The FIRST thing we IMAO followers learn is that you are all knowing.
How many people died as a result of you being”incorect” on that question?
Frank, you didn’t lie because math is the grand masterpeice of Satan who invented liberalism. Think about it, that may have been the only question on that test that you realy got right.
Seven, I think. I’ll make sure to have god-like intution in the future to avoid future mistakes.
For all the liberals, how come countries who didn’t go along w/ the Iraq war supported the WMD evidence as valid? (so far the only real point that liberals have, cause last I checked Iraq’s oil is still in the ground (short of the oil fields that have always been there) and gas prices are edging back up again)
…back when I took my SATs, I got one question wrong in the math section….
What? You got a question wrong? A MATH question?
I think ‘wrong’ is a unpleasant work.
What your answer really was was “calculationally different”. The concepts of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ are something that make children afraid to attempt problems.
So I would say ‘Frank J, good try!!’ And give you the same grade as everyone else.
Yes, since you are a repbulican, of course you should admit that you lied, and repudiate any office or advantage that the SAT’s let you gain.
You lied, dammit. It’s not like you made a little “mistake” like some misunderstood “yute” selling drugs or assaulting someone.
You deliberately lied on that question to hide the truth from the graders.
The real tragedy would have occurred if the graders themselves agreed with your lie because they lacked the intelligence to obtain the correct answer themselves..?
President: 1+1=3!
Congress: Yes!
Investigators: Wait…1+1=2.
President: Hmm… The [1] button is stuck on my calculator…
Congress: He lied about 3!!! Admit you lied, Mr President!!!
Cindy Sheehan: How many more calculators must pay?!!
Michael, the same number died as if he had gotten that question right. Its just that the trains would’ve crashed in Toledo instead of Cincinatti.
Okay I tried that one out on my wife and she didn’t get it.
You see, if train A leaves Chicago going 80 mph …
Oh, never mind!
you terrible, horrible, no good, very bad lying sack of …. oh, never mind, I got a few wrong in the math section, too! goes off to get her scourge and her rosary to do pennance
I always hated that question. My teachers NEVER accepted my answer, which would be, WHO CARES when they meet as long as I’M not on one of them????
I thought I was mistaken once, but I was wrong.
Strike that, reverse it.
You missed a question on the math portion? HAHAHAHAHA! Snif. That’s okay, Frank, I missed one question on the verbal. Stupid lousy 1580 SAT score…
Oh, and Monkey, you understand the liberal mindset too well, you’re starting to scare me. Were you like, held captive by them after a raid and learned their ways or something? If so, how many showers did you have to take after to feel clean again?
…think of all the poor Ticonderoga #2 pencils that have been wasted in our vain attempts to conquer the poor helpless SAT people.. all in vain.
No Pencils For Blackened-in Ovals!!
“I got the answer to the question right, before I got the answer to the question wrong.” John Kerry, Massassachusetts Senator not responsible for the death of Mary Jo Kopechne.
“Frank, you’re no John F. Kennedy! Got any Vermouth?” Ted Kennedy, Massachusetts Senator responsible for the death of Mary Jo Kopechne