My post on how to draw Mohammed seemed to gain the ire of a Muslim… or at least I think so. The comment is kinda hard to understand, but you can see for yourself:
(CAUTION: Contains coarse language and poor grammar and spelling)
Oi how about u all go fuk u muthers and bogen slut sisters and get a life instead of talking about the prophet mutherfukin geeks and if ur man enough come face to face cock sucking muther fuking hoes
Uh… sorry… I guess?
He forgot to call you a Zionist Pig!
(So, can I run Ask The Prophet here, Frank?)
Hmmm. It was too coherent to be from Kos or DU, slightly less coherent than a DNC press release. I’ll bet that’s an authentic, outraged mooselimb.
And just think, you didn’t even provide an actual drawing of “the prophet” (p*ss be upon him).
Art schools around the world, beware! By teaching how to draw, you are assisting those who would insult Islam – prepare for their wrath.
(Whiny little biyatches)
Don’t apologise to illiterates – it just encourages them in their delusions.
He must be Nation of Islam muslim.
I mean, judging from the misspellings, the ire, and the oh so colorful language, it would appear that they weren’t burdened with an overabundance of schooling.
These are generally the hallmarks of Nation of Islam Membership.
Fight the Raging, Illiterate Power!
I just find it interesting that he(?) thinks you get a life if you have sex with your mother and sister.
That’s an interesting definition.
Wouldn’t he want us to talk about the false prophet so that we could come around to see his way of thinking? No, of course not; if we converted, they wouldn’t have an excuse to try to kill us.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some mechanical devices utilizing a chemical reaction to launch a projectile for defensive purposes to sight in.
Couldn’t close it soon enough! Sheesh! What a maroon! (Is it the Limey?)
You all forget…schooling is a tool of the Western Satan…as are showers and common sense (let’s not forget an IQ above the room temprature of an igloo during an arctic winter). It’s true…those head scarfs do strangle the brain!
You know, Frank, you could have spent a lot less time if you had just used the Arabic translation of his words. “Derka derka. Mohammed jihad. Sherpa sherpa. Abakala.”
See? That’s a lot easier. And it’s funnier!
Even if it is straight out of Team America.
With spelling and grammar that poor, can you really say with certainty that he wrote coarse language? That was barely 50% curse words. Do those count? It’s a little hard to judge, other than the general gist of him totally not being a fan.
Just on the basis of poor grammar alone you should rescind your apology. Unless you’re sorry for how bad he sucks at writing…
I think you have a American raised muslim…most likely a public schooled person…I would guess New York area…and certainly Black…Haven’t heard many muslims referring to “hoes”
(or possibly a liberal weinie venting on a site then running off to do the same again else where)
Now they’re attacking Ronald McDonald!! I saw it on Drudge! Is nothing sacred! Oh the humanity!
//Unless you’re sorry for how bad he sucks at writing…//
Hell yeah, Frank, Durbanize that baby…
“I’m sorry YOU FEEL that way, but you’re just a little scumbag with no worthwhile schooling, so we all understand…”
SEE? Easy as pie…
Based on the language and the “Oi!”, I’m thinking Limey(no offense) or Aussie.
I’d bet money it was written by a Saudi whose extensive knowledge of western civilization comes from his mullah and HBO.