Brownie is really excited to meet the cats, and the cats are deathly afraid of the giant dog. When Brownie is in her kennel, Sydney is brave enough to slowly creep up near the dog (which get ruined when Brownie can’t stand it anymore and barks). Minerva, on the other hand, is hiding in the deepest recesses of the garage.
I guess the goal is to teach Brownie that the cats are boring (something I learned right away), but I guess that will take some time. If anyone has gone through this and has advice, it would be appreciated.
Aww… Brownie just went into her kennel to sleep. She’s such a good dog when she’s not moving.
Put them in the same cage together.
This is way the Hell off topic, but I was looking around google for images of a comic book I bought and lost a while ago. And I came across some panels of The Punisher nuking the moon for peace. So, I saw this and thought of you, Frank. Happy Kwanza.
The rest of the book can be found here:
Spray the cats with squirell scent.
uh, we just made sure they were never alone together. it’s been over a year and i don’t think the cats will ever like the puppy, but she knows not to mess with them. and they can be in the same room together without problems. we haven’t tried bathing the puppy in catnip though.
You might try putting them on opposite sides of a closed door… Helps them get used to each other.
Or so I heard.
Through respect comes acceptance. So, under that premise, tie all three of their tails together and let one of them establish dominance. The other two should fall right in line. As an added bonus, you could show the video on IMAO this Friday for Catblogging. “Pet Thunderdome” has a nice ring to it.
//She’s such a good dog when she’s not moving.//
Maybe you could get her stuffed…then she wouldn’t scare your cats.
you got a dog?
we had a puppy named Brownie.
she was a great dog.
Kids are cutest when they’re sleeping too. Maybe if you rubbed some tuna on Rowdi then the cats will warm up to her faster?
My dog and 2 kittens learned to co-exist. The dog was here first, then came kitty #1. Dog spent all of her time wanting to sniff kitty’s butt. We spent tons of energy trying to keep them apart. Eventually bums’ were sniffed and the dog never tired of it. EVER. By cat #2 we were old hands at it, although the dog may have been worn out. Dog is now in heaven, and I’m sure if there is a God there is lots of snow to play in and endless kitty bums to sniff.