I’m afraid the entire port issue has devolved into a quagmire. Sure, you know things are going screwy when Jimmy Carter is coming in on the side of the president but that’s not what has really caused the whole thing to go south. What was the tipping point? The moment that president George W. Bush threatened to do what he swore never to do while he was president, use the Veto. I remember what he said during his inauguration, the first one i think.
…and uphold and defend the constitution…
,and that’s when he drifted into a trance, got that far away look, and said ..
…but never, EVER use the accursed veto because for its use has been forever tainted by traitors and commies like Clinton, and terrorist appeasers like Carter and I’m no commie traitor or terrorist appeaser. But if I ever DO use the veto or even threaten to do so, it shall be a sign to all that the End of Days is near. Other signs will be prior to this a high ranking Republican will shoot another Republican, possibly in the face, perhaps with a gun that use some sort of shot…
Going back to these words I heard spoken during that solemn ceremony I knew things had reached critical mass. To forestall the coming apocolypse only one course can be taken. In accordance with prophecy, the ports in question must be ritually cleansed with unmarked 100 dollar bills, (you can mail them to me) and then destroyed by ‘the fire that lights the sun.” When this is complete the ritual slaughter of all who published an opinion about the issue, whether for it or against it, can commence in earnest. Oh and we can attack and colonize the UAE. We can just scratch out the E and stick an ‘S’ between the U and the A on all their stuff. Don’t they have oil? With Arab in the name they’ve practivcally GOT to. Yeah we can take that too.
In retrospect maybe saying the world wlil end if he uses the veto and swearing not to use it are two different things, but he was being sworn in when I heard him say it. But no thinking person would say this is an administration that wants to go in the history books as being the one that caused the end of the world.
Don’t forget to email me for the address to the send those c-notes for me to use for, uh, all the port cleansing stuff.
I think we (as Americans) just need to know more details so we can feel more comfortable about this whole thing. I have heard so many arguments that I don’t know what to believe anymore.
Glenn Beck said the same thing today and said that he felt like a Democrat b/c he couldn’t decide what to believe and his feelings changed like the direction of the wind. It’s a conundrum. (sp?) 🙂
The solution is simple.
Give me money.
Destroy the ports.
Kill all the opinion givers.
Conquer the UAE.
Four simple steps, but the first one is a good start.
Yeah, no matter what anyone says… I don’t feel comfortable with the idea of placing any of our ports (or anything involved with our ports) into the full control of one of only three countries in the world who supports the Taliban. Does common sense mean anything to anyone anymore? Go with your gut… it feels downright wrong and stupid to me.
This is a serious question (are they allowed here?), but when did the United States FIRST give management of our Ports to a foreign entity? No matter who the foreign entity is, it makes no sense. I am ALL for free markets but when it comes to border/port security, I would rather pay more for an American company to manage AMERICAN ports.
BTW, I love this site. It is freakng hilarious. Great job.
Funny…I always thought Cindy Sheehan was the sign of the end of days….
So the plan is to nuke the mo(o)n-ey?
Actually, it’s called Armaggedon, which is a serious corruption of Har-Meggido, a plain in Israel, where the Last Battle is to be fought, which will put an end to the Apocolypse and usher in the Earthly reign of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, Jesus, who is The Christ.
And I think muslim rioting worldwide, and the burning of a damned McDonald’s (everyone loves Ronald) over some freakin’ drawings, is also a sign of the end of days.
And I say “welcome” to it. At least we’d hear the last of the moonbats. Besides the wailing and gnashing of teeth that is.
Um, let’s make that “Apocalypse”. That’d be my bad.
Is Armagedden anything like an Apocolypse?
A little, but with more gravy.
BTW Armagedden was spelled that way on purpose.
Who said we were giving over management of these ports? Whoever said we were giving over control? These folks are paying big money for the right to lease space to unload locked stuff that would be coming here anyway. Heck, something like 80% of everything that comes into Long Beach (Los Angeles) is unloaded by Americans who are paid to do so by the ChiComs. And that has been okay since Clinton let them do it, tho there was a bit of a stink even then. The UEA company bought the company to access Asian ports mostly, the actually not too terribly huge USA ports just came along with the deal. They do it all over the world and they are supposed to be good at it. If they don’t do it, some smaller company will pay less, do it less efficiently, and make stuff cost more. Let’s just all calm down a little and in the meantime check out what some of the really smart bloggers are saying. Chill.
Hi. I can’t come up with anything funny or sarcastic to say, so I’ll just say this.
SpaceMonkey… my apologies. Though my post was a tad tongue-in-cheek, so stop being such a whiner. Heh. J/K.
You can keep whining.
Okay, that was a joke too. Andnow I’m done before I get stuck in a sarcasm/apology feedback loop.
How much gravy can one acquire with an unmarked 100 dollar bill?