Why Is Everyone Always After Malkin?

She’ll be posting at PJM until the DoS attack is solved. When they find those involved, they should DoS attack their heads with a two-by-four.
But non-violently; violence is wrong.


  1. Isn’t it pathetic when people who disagree with conservative beliefs act like children (or worse, in my opinion) and do s–t like this? I mean, grow up already!
    I hope no one does that to my IMAO… I would go into withdrawal!

  2. Janna took the words out of my mouth. “Pathetic” is all I could think of. What do they think they’re going to do, stop us from speaking our minds? I hope this just strengthens Michelle’s resolve.
    By the way, does she sleep?

  3. …it’s because they all believe in “free speech” provided it’s exactly as they think. These are the cretins who “want to be different…just like everyone else”. The American neuterati.
    Thank GOD for Americans with spines!

  4. I just came from there. It seems OK, albiet kind of sparse. The thing that makes me concerned is that these people are f**king nuts and would do physical harm if given the oppuortunity. I know she has been threatened before.

  5. It’s kinda like Survivor. The weaker players fear and resent the strong. As Michelle is an effective communicator, they’re trying to “vote her off.” OK that was stupid, but the best anology I can think of right now.

  6. yeah, it seems as thought he left is more “Big Borther” than they could ever accuse us of being. Can you say “political correctness”? Don’t say anything that might offend someone!! But other than that, feel free to speak your mind!!

  7. MM did get one loser fired, that was hilarious. He wrote an email with what passes for intelligent argument on the left (plenty of four letter words) from his law-office employer email account. She posted the web addres, the guy was sacked, and one of the big shots from the company wrote an apology.

  8. I don’t agree with most people here on most issues and I almost never agree with Ms. Malkin, but I do agree debate should be peaceful and civil which is why I come to this blog. There are extremists on both sides of every issue and there are issues where some people feel more emoltional than others but silencing debate is unamerican.

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