Important Security Question

With the deal between the U.S. and India on nukes, did we first make them promise to implement strict measure to keep Hanuman the Monkey God from getting his hands on the nuclear technology?
I won’t be able to sleep until I know the answer.


  1. Don’t worry, they gave control to Vishnu, the god of maintenance, and Ganesha, he of infinite wisdom.
    Nobody, except for Siva and Homer Simpson, messes with either Vishnu or Ganesha and nobody, I mean nobody, messes with both of them.
    Some third-rate demi-god has absolutely no chance.

  2. The thing about India and nukes is that, unlike Pakistan, Iran, and N. Korea, they developed the technology themselves and didn’t steal/buy it.
    When a peaceful Democratic government develops that kind of technology themselves, as far as I’m concerned, they’ve earned the right to have it.

  3. Unfortunately, the Indians agreed only to prevent Hanuman from hiding the nukes down his pants and in his socks. And since monkeys don’t wear clothes…well, all our base are indeed belong to Hanuman.

  4. India has announced that Bush has agreed to allow the nukes to be kept in a narrow-necked basket so that when Hanuman reaches in to grab the nuke he won’t be able to pull it free, thereby keeping the region forever safe. Why didn’t we think of that?

  5. Unfair, you humans! How dare you taunt Hanuman this way! Now my dreams of ruling the universe with the spirits of Lancelot Link, Matta Hairy, Bonzo and Cheetah are ruined! Just for that, I shall destroy another village!

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