Dude, Freaky

I’m guessing its someone with some pretty fancy video editing software, but this ghost evidence supposedly caught with a sitter cam sure did freak me out:

Sitter Cam Catches Ghost – Watch more free videos
(hat tip Jonah Goldberg)

Link of the Day

Having seen 300 recently and given the fact that I recently drove through Sparta, I found this image highly amusing.
I Can Has the Spotlight? – taking captioned images to a whole new level of OMGWTF!
Since I’m there, might as well enter the caption contest:

I’d Give My Right Arm to Be Ambidextrous

First, I didn’t know it was possible to play a guitar one-handed.
Second, I didn’t know it was possible to play two guitars at once.
Third, I didn’t know it was possible to play the Simpsons theme on ONE guitar, much less on two at the same time, using one hand on each.
I learned a LOT today.
[Hat tip: Reader Nonesbody]

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgDuring a Celebrity Boxing match, John Edwards got his ass handed to him by a marshmallow peep.

Just for the Record

We all know Rove is behind the newest Osama video, right? I mean there’s no way Osama released a video on his own imitating every single left-wing talking point; that’s just too perfect for us. He did everything but end his tirade with, “In conclusion, murderous terrorists and liberals are pretty much ideologically the same. Once again, if you take anything away from my speech, it should be that terrorists and liberals are almost exactly the same thing.”
This is just too perfect for us; it has to be Rove.
BTW, I think it’s funny how the liberals are acting like all we right wing bloggers conspired together to use the talking point that Osama sounds like a left-wing blogger. Did they ever consider that the reasons we all said he sounds exactly like a left-wing blogger is because he sounds exactly like a left-wing blogger? If in his video he had said, “Hey! Hey! Hey!” in a deep voice, we’d all be saying he sounded like Fat Albert. Instead, he said, “Democrats need to get America our of Iraq now and you need to read Chomsky and worry about global warming,” so we’re all saying he sounds like a liberal blogger. Occam’s razor.

Contribution Widget Problems

I had a widget up for contributing to I’m With Fred, but some people has been getting certificate warning which I think is related to them changing to their Fred08.com URL now that Fred Thompson is fully in the race. I put up a new widget on the right sidebar, so tell me in the comments here if any of you still get problems.
If you were planning on helping Fred Thompson’s campaign, it would be nice to do it through my widget so he knows that Frank J. is his best supporter number one. If you have illegal Chinese money, e-mail me and I’ll try to figure out a way to launder it for you.

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

The reason Osama looks odd in his new video is because he’s wearing a fake beard. When he heard Fred Thompson’s announcement, all his hair fell out.