Don’t Mistake Being Loud with Having Influence

The House voted 341 to 79 to condemn, which means a large majority of Democrats voted for it too. I don’t really care that much at this point — MoveOn has clearly made their name mud because people tend to look down on a bunch of wiener kids calling a serving general a traitor — but it is fun to watch the nutroots bitch and moan. They were so sure they were speaking twoof to power, but I guess Democrats still don’t think their viewpoints are quite ready for primetime.
It’s going to be interesting as we get to the general election cycle as the Democrat candidate is going to have to decide whether placating these whiners is worth the risk of being tarred by their craziness. I’m guessing that they’re going to get shunned as soon as the primary is over and then fade away when the crux of their universe — President Bush — is no longer in office.
Don’t worry, though; something equally inane will eventually fill the void — maybe even noisy right-wing crazies!

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgOf all the footballs tossed in John Edwards’s direction, the only one that didn’t make him squeal and duck was the one that hit him in the back of the head.
Bonus Fact from Silicon Valley Jim:
John Edwards can’t watch The Wizard of Oz without fondly recalling his high school graduation and his very first pair of ruby slippers.

Top Ten Pieces of Advice From W To Hillary

Rumor has it that President Bush has been quietly giving advice to Hillary about not making stupid promises regarding Iraq that she’ll regret if she gets elected. I’m sure the advice also encompasses other topics, and I’ll speculate thusly about what he might have said:

10) “Choose a running mate that’s in favor of gun control so as not to be blindsided by an embarrassing ‘lawyer hunting accident'”.
9) “Don’t fire your US Attorneys, just kill them and dump the bodies in a park somewhere… like I have to tell YOU to do that!”
8) “Keep Bill the hell away from my daughters!”
7) “Don’t walk barefoot on the White House lawn – John Kerry’s medals are still out there somewhere and those things are POINTY!”
6) “If you win, I’m TOTALLY stealing all the H’s off the computer keyboards before I go.”
5) “That new French President Sarkozy is a terror with his SBD‘s. Try to meet with him outdoors whenever possible.”
4) “Ya want fluffy omelets, ya gotta beat ’em until your arm is sore. Good advice for raising kids, too.”
3) “Yankees take the Series in 6. Lay the lumber. Don’t ask questions, just trust me.”
2) “Please, for the love of God, no more cleavage.”
And the #1 piece of advice from W to Hillary (see extended entry)…

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Rachel Lucas found a homosexual in Iran.

“Me Liberal Am Principled “

I was thinking, aren’t the nutroots basically just a Bizzaro Bush? Bizzaro was the opposite of Superman. He’d say “Hello” when Superman would say “Goodbye.” Since Superman had heat vision, Bizzaro has cold vision. In the same way, the nutroots mindlessly aim to be the opposite of whatever Bush is. If Bush is for war, they’re against it. If Bush thinks they have enough troops, they think he should have more. If Bush thinks he needs more troops, they think he should have less. If Bush hates Ahmadinejad, they love Ahmadinejad. If Bush thinks genocide in Iraq is a bad thing, then they think its peachy. If Bush likes America, then they kind nothing but fault with the country.
Eventually, Bizzaro killed himself since to he determined to be the opposite of Superman he had to be dead. It’s nice when problems solve themselves.

Comparing Apples to Hand Grenades: Both Are Round and Potentially Deadly

Apparently the narrative the nutroots have for Iran executing gays is that in America the evil religious right don’t let gays marry which is totally exactly the same thing. The variation is that it starts with not letting gays marry, and then it moves on to rounding up and killing them (like in Kentucky when it outlawed cousins being married they eventually started rounding up and executing cousins). Basically, you’re either for letting gays marry or your for executing them; there is no middle ground (at least that their tiny brains can comprehend). More importantly, no matter how evil some foreigners may seem, Americans and especially conservatives are just as bad if not worse.
Which seems like a great argument for not pissing us off.

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Neither rain nor sleet nor snow nor giant meteor will keep Fred Thompson from giving someone a needed whup’n.