Now that John Edwards is going to be accepting public financing for his campaign, that means all of us tax payers are now funding his campaign.
I’m for that. Because of his poor fundraising, Edwards would have to exit the race were it not for federal funds, and considering the popularity of Harvey’s John Edwards Fabulous Facts, anything that keeps Edwards campaigning is a boon for IMAO (and thus all of America if not the world). I’m happy to have my money going towards the hilarious spectacle that is John Edwards.
So say we all?
Archive of entries posted on 28th September 2007
Links of the Day
K-Lo has lifted the ban! It’s Star Trek Weekend at NRO!
Mary Katharine Ham comes out as an omnivore.
Those MySpacers are More Perceptive Than I Thought
Instant polling results from John Edwards’s appearance on MTV/MySpace’s live-streamed youth forum at the University of New Hampshire showed that viewers generally approved of his ideas and performance.
The fact that these youths were predominantly baked out of their minds on primo Venezuelan green-bud probably had nothing to do with the results.
Still, I did some digging and discovered some of the less-publicized poll questions and their results:
23% hated John Edwards because he’s beautiful.
45% wanted to have sex with Edwards, with a shockingly high 2% of those being women.
7% “naturally assumed” that Edwards’s health care program would cover the cost of hair spray.
95% agreed with Edwards’s position that pulling out is the best course of action in Iraq, although there’s some suspicion that the majority of respondents may have stopped reading the question before they got to the “in Iraq” part.
33% first became fans of Edwards back during his days as host of “Crossing Over“.
22% thought that John Edwards had already been elected President, meaning they were either BDS Democrats from the “stolen” 2004 election or DEEP into their baggie of green-bud.
Possibly both.
71% believed that Edwards isn’t fooling anyone and might as well just come out of the freakin’ closet already.
A plurality – 29% – chose as the phrase that best describes Edwards: “disturbingly baby-faced waterboy for the DNC Kool-Aid Brewer’s Union”.
“Candy-ass” came in a close second at 27%.
4% kept responding to questions with “nude Olsen twins” – they probably meant to type that in the browser window with Google Images open in it.
Another 4% (possibly the same 4%) kept responding with “my baggie’s empty”.
Keep in mind that this poll may not be representative or even accurate, since 100% of respondents also said that “having a MySpace page is cool”
No offense, AlanABQ.
Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact
Should I See “The Kingdom”: How to Interpret Liberal Reviewers
I don’t know much about the movie The Kingdom that comes out today other than it involves Americans looking for a terrorists in Saudi Arabia. That means its inevitably going to have some political content, and knowing the leanings of movie reviewers, the only way I’m going to like it is if they hate it.
Well, with 69 reviews so far, it has a 48% on Rotten Tomatoes (29% from Cream of the Crop — read extra liberal). So far so good. So what are the blurbs of the negative reviews:
“Screenwriter Matthew Michael Carnahan wants us to know that there are good Arabs and bad Arabs, but he panders to our basest 9/11 anxieties.”
I’m guessing “basest 9/11 anxieties” translates to “awesomest motivation to kill terrorists.”
So shameless is The Kingdom, ignoring consequence and treating its audience like cash-dispensing machines with buttons to be pushed rather than thinking individuals willing to consider the reality of America’s entanglement with the Middle East.
Because everyone want to go to an action movie for a left-wing foreign policy lecture.
“If Frank Capra had ever made a Rambo movie, it would have looked like this.”
How in the world is that a blurb for a negative review?
I left the theater completely uncertain about what the filmmakers intended to say about the orgiastic bloodshed they showed me. The Kingdom is an explosion of rage in search of a rationale.
That sounds like the description of every good action movie.
“This is fertile ground for an invigorating exploration of Saudi-American interaction, but the whole thing eventually devolves into a run-of-the-mill shoot ’em up.”
Do these people even know what an action movie is? Did they come out of Die Hard complaining there wasn’t enough of a dissection of corporate America?
“Where pic goes astray is in turning anonymous, indigenous peoples into ducks at a shooting gallery.”
Is “indigenous peoples” a euphemism for for’ners?
“A high-budget episode of “The A Team” crossed with “24” and a sort of “CSI: Riyadh” until a few minutes at the end try to tack on some larger meaning. It just shows how thin the material in the rest of the film is by contrast.”
Again, how does saying a movie is a cross between the The A Team, 24, and CSI constitute a negative review? Do they understand most people like those shows and hate liberal weenies?
To be cautious, let’s look for danger signs in the positive reviews:
“The picture is made with a degree of care, and what’s surprising about it is the way [director] Berg actually resists making rah-rah jingoistic proclamations instead of relying on them.
Because the last thing I want is to see a movie in which people are proud to be Americans.
“The Kingdom is the anti-Syriana: yes, it says, the Middle East is very, very complicated, but Americans have solved tougher problems, thanks very much.”
I would have expected that to be the blurb for a negative review based on the others.
“A surprisingly nuanced exploration of the sincere desire held by many in this country to make the US the good guy around the globe — the white knight superpower.”
Aiieee! Nuance!
“The Kingdom is such a strong entertainment, such a substantial ‘us vs. them’ example of wish fulfillment that it’s easy to ignore the many mixed messages.”
He probably just projected mixed message in there so he could enjoy the fun explosions.
Anyway, my guess from reading the reviews is that you will very much enjoy this movie. Plus, it’s got Jason Bateman from Arrested Development; how can you go wrong?