Ask Fred – Tax Code

Here’s the first Ask Fred with Fred Thompson answering a question about reforming the tax code. This is pretty cool and I hope he does more. To think, Fred Thompson might not only read something you wrote… but actually respond to it, too!

Chris Muir Wants a Fatwa

I always imagined Mohammad with a longer beard and a curlier tail.
(hat tip Hot Air)

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgAfter hearing that “pink is the new black”, John Edwards explained his lipstick & nail polish by saying it was “new goth”.
Bonus Facts from Casper the Friendly Host:
When asked during last year’s Great American Smoke-Out if he had ever used the patch, a confused John Edwards replied “After I smoke one, I usually have to use a Tuck’s pad, not a patch.”


So the Victory Caucus has this “Stand by the American Mission in Iraq” petition that says:

We, the undersigned, call on our national leaders and fellow citizens to resist calls for a premature withdrawal from Iraq and to support America’s troops under the new commander, Gen. David Petraeus, as they implement a bold new strategy designed to bring a successful completion to their mission.

Which is nice, and you can go over and sign it if you want.
But I think it’s WAY too wordy. Here’s how I’d write it.

Kill terrorists.
Stop when they’re all dead.

Now go out and do something fun with all the time you saved by reading the short version.
Like killing a terrorist.

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Fred Thompson can be told what the Matrix is.