Andrew Meyer: He’s crazy. He’s obnoxious. He has no idea how insane he looks to everyone. Who could someone like that support for presidency?
Ron Paul? No way!
Ron Paul’s supporters say Ron Paul is not an insane conspiracy theorist, yet someone how every single crazy person out there supports Ron Paul. If when trying to describe you people turn to a DSM-IV, you’re probably a Ron Paul supporter. So is Ron Paul to the mentally deranged what Aquaman is to fish or something? When he finally gives up his pointless candidacy, will he command the crazy people against us?
Something to think about.
(hat tip to reader Room 237)
Archive of entries posted on 18th September 2007
This Is Impossible
It’s hugely improbable and it looks completely fake. There are other videos of it on YouTube that look to be independent recordings of the same game and a Hot Air commenter who claims to have watched the game live and saw it happen, but there’s no way I can believe that’s real.
Future rule: A player does that again, his team gets 120 runs… like catching the golden snitch.
Ronin Profile: AR
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Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s AR.
What’s the story behind your name? Well on my favorite website, , I go by AtheistRepublican, and they started calling me AR, I thought it sounded cool so I’ve been using it since then.
Where do you live? I live just outside of Stillwater, Oklahoma
How old are you? 18
Tell us briefly about yourself. I’m a college student majoring in Computer Science, and a renowned hippy hunter, who has disguised himself as one of the enemy, I have long hair and an unruly beard, but I bathe regularly, which kind of ruins the whole disguise. I’m also an amateur musician and DJ, my DJ name and Stage name are the same, DJBeatless. I love taking jokes past the point of funny to the point where people wonder if I’m being serious, also I love dancing, dance dance, I love dancing… One last thing, Hazel, you are my true love, for eternity and beyond!
How long have you been reading IMAO? Hard to say, first time I read it was a couple years ago, though I only started reading it regularly 4 months ago or so.
What’s your favorite IMAO post? Frank the Artist, your some kind of Picasso man!
If you were to describe IMAO in three words, what would those be? An internet site.
What’s you favorite political issue? Socialism, its funny how the liberals believe that a system that has never worked in the last 100 years will magically start working if we just believe hard enough, or whatever the fairy dust they are offering is. Also, anything that lets my crazy libertarianism loose, I love it when people look at me like I’m crazy, yes I do think that we should legalize heroin, and no it isn’t entirely because I like watching druggies get high, though that is awfully fun.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. Yes, I do have a website. , its a temporary site I set up just a day or two ago because I’ve been having trouble getting my music to my friends. Eventually I’ll set it up to be all fancy and stuff and put more music up, but right now its fairly minimalist, and be warned my music is fairly second rate.
Also I have a facebook, , feel free to send me a friend invite, but make sure you send me a message saying your from IMAO or I’ll reject it, I get alot of random friend invites so I just auto-reject if I don’t get a message or I don’t recognize your name.
When do you think it’s appropriate for police to use a taser? When isn’t it? Zzzzt!
If you commented in the latest post asking for participants, you’re still in the running. Thanks to everyone who has participated so far; just because you may not think you’re interesting doesn’t mean we won’t enjoy your story.
Quote of the Day
Frank J.’s Guide to Not Getting Tasered
* When asking questions to a Senator, make sure to do so in the proper manner as instructed to at the event.
* If you decide to instead grab the mic, only ask one question and wait for the Senator to respond.
* If you aren’t interested in the Senator’s response and feel it more pressing to ask more questions, relent when the police approach you.
* If you decide not to relent when the police approach you at least don’t be a huge drama queen.
* If you are a huge drama queen when the police attempt to escort you out, at least don’t try and resist arrest and run back in the room.
* If you do resist arrest and run back into the room, do give up when the police tackle you.
* If you keep resisting when tackled to the ground, do finally follow police instructions when they threaten to taser you.
* If you decide to keep resisting arrest even when tackled to the ground and are threatened with a taser, whatever you do, do not refer to one of the officers as “bro” when pleaded to not be tasered, ’cause that’s gonna get yer ass tased.
I hope these instructions were helpful. Have a electrocution free day!
Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact
Last autumn, Elizabeth Edwards was nearly arrested for spousal abuse until it was discovered that John’s numerous bruises really HAD been caused by falling leaves.
Bonus Fact from Pork & Beans:
As a trial lawyer, John Edwards would pace back and forth in front of the Jury droning on and on about talking to dead fetuses. This was when the phrase “Pussy Footin'” was coined.
Bonus Fact from Casper the Friendly Host:
John Edwards hates licking stamps for his scented correspondence. Not only is it so laborious, but the taste reminds him of Lance, and that was a summer fling he’s already cried too much over. (sigh)
lolterizt! Part 15
Once again, pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.
Reader submissions:
From FormerHostage:
From G8r:
PRODUCTION NOTE: When creating lolterizt! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.
Send your submissions to and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.
The Beginning of the Police State or America’s Funniest Home Video? **UPDATED**
Dude at John Kerry event gets tasered:
The Kwazy Kos Kids are apoplectic (“THE POLICE STATE IS HERE!”) and even some people at Hot Air think this was excessive.
I think it’s hilarious. Maybe I’m missing something.
Now, this video was cut so it looks like he just asked a question about Skull & Bones and suddenly the police tackle him, but I think it’s pretty obvious from how the kids acts (and how everyone applauds when he’s dragged away) that he was previously hogging the mic and being disruptive such that he had to be removed so the event could continue (because, apparently, some people actually like to listen to John Kerry, and, in America, that’s their right). Then he does all he can to keep the police from dragging him away, so they taser the idiot. Where’s problem?
First of all, it’s not like they shot him in the head. He just experienced some… um… discomfort, which he could have easily avoid had he ever chose not to be an obnoxious idiot. This guy was obviously using the police to make a scene and get his fifteen minutes, and he learned there are some unpleasant consequences for that action. Really, if you come to disrupt a speaking event and then fight the police, what exactly is the best possible outcome you might expect from that situation?
Second, do you really think the police are going to go on a crazy taser spree because they tasered one moron who was resisting arrest. Oh no! We could all now get tasered… if we try to interrupt an event and then resist arrest.
Third, I thought it was pretty funny how he was calling out for people to do something. “Yeah! We’ll beat up the police so you can continue to shout down the speaker with crazy moonbat conspiracies! We’ll get right on that!”
I had to feel for Kerry in this. There’s nothing in the etiquette book for what to say while someone is getting tasered. Since he’s a liberal, he knows he’s supposed to be sensitive, but all he really wanted was the guy to shut up. This would have been the perfect time for him to shout, “Do you know who I am?!” And, after the idgit got tasered, add, “I’m John F’n Kerry, bitch!” He’d be a regular French-looking badass, if he did that… like Jean Reno.
Anyway, I think the police weren’t excessive at all, and hopefully the student involved learned an important lesson. If he does it again, though, next time they should taser him in the nads.
Here’s a first hand account of what happened. Apparently the guy tried to hijack the whole forum.
Also, he was apparently urging people to follow him and the police afterwards to make sure they didn’t kill him. That probably would have been excessive.
BTW, thank your many gods this happened with a Democrat speaker with the amount of national attention this is getting.
Maybe my sympathy meter is broken, because I can even have Christian sympathy for a terrorist blowing himself up with his own mortar, but I just don’t see it for this guy. He was so over the top the whole time that I didn’t buy his “cries of pain.” Thus I disagree a bit with Dean Barnett (and I also don’t think Kerry could have done anything better than stay back and keep quiet — like he did), but I agree its way past time Democrats had to answer to the Twoofer idiocy they’ve bred and hopefully this incident will help that happen.