It’s hugely improbable and it looks completely fake. There are other videos of it on YouTube that look to be independent recordings of the same game and a Hot Air commenter who claims to have watched the game live and saw it happen, but there’s no way I can believe that’s real.
Future rule: A player does that again, his team gets 120 runs… like catching the golden snitch.
Does what? What the hell is going on in this video that’s so amazing?
ohhh, okay, so the bat stands on end… Although this probably wouldn’t often, so what. It’s a stupid baseball game.
Apparently, instead of corking the head of the bat, he depleted uranium-ed it.
“… so what? It’s a stupid baseball game” ?!?!?
Rusty, Rusty. Best be careful, we’re all in the mood to get our tasers out, and you are in need of reprogramming…..
It was the will of Fred Thompson.
As impossible as Glenn Reynolds switching to bunny smoothies!
I wonder what the actual odds of this happening are?
If it’s like catching the Golden Snitch, shouldn’t he get 150 runs?
I’d say nil. I’m with Frank on this – faked. The video is clearly Martin Prado vs. Billy Wagner. That matchup has occurred exactly once, Sept 12 2007 (like the poster of the video said). But: nether the Yahoo nor MLB writeups for that game even mention it, much less make it the main issue they would if something as unusual as that happened.
(and yeah, I probably just put way too much effort into this. :-P)
Either Fred Thompson was feeling “frisky” or the world is doomed and Hillary is our next President and this is the first of many coming signs…
Just a guess…Can you say ‘Corked Bat’?
That must be impossible. It would still be in the news and some Congressional Hearing would begin due to it
When I was in college everybody on my dorm floor used to eat at the same table in the cafeteria. I come in one night with my tray of food-substitute and sit at my floor’s table. The clown sitting across from me had finished eating and had spent who knows how long balancing the salt shaker on its edge, at about a 45 degree angle. He’s all smug looking and clearly happy with himself, just waiting for one of the new arrivals at the table to comment on how talented he is to be able to balance salt shakers on edge. Without saying a word, I reach out, grab the salt shaker, and start salting my food. The guy’s jaw drops in horror. Before he can utter a word — and I swear on all things holy this is the absolute truth — I casually reach out and replace the salt shaker, balanced exactly as it was before I sat down. Talk about stealing this guy’s thunder. He’d probably spent fifteen minutes getting it to balance, and I nonchalantly set it down at a 45 degree angle like that’s the way I’d been setting down salt shakers my entire life. Not exactly the same as accidentally getting a bat to balance on end, but it’s close. Of course, nobody was taking video so I didn’t make U-Toob, not that anybody had even considered the possibility of Al Gore inventing something like the internet, let alone U-Toob, or, for that matter, the video camera, at the time.
The bat received HGH shipments in 2004.