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Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s B4B.
What’s the story behind your name? It derives from a screen name ( Bonkers4Boobies) I used on an old (and crappy) game / chat site. As you can probably guess, it has nothing to do with aquatic birds found in the Galapagos Islands.
Where do you live? I live in Plainville, Connecticut. It’s a small town and the name is befitting. Here on the “right coast” we are awash in liberal based political correctness, but at least we make Nu-cler submarines.
How old are you? Old. So very old. I just turned 41. My bones aren’t even good for soup.
Tell us briefly about yourself. Nothing extraordinary. I’m married ( 20 years), have 3 kids. The lil one (7 yo ) we call The Camminator. My two oldest are “Bart and Lisa Simpson”. “Lisa” at 14 is a gifted young lady entering high school while “Bart” nearing 19 has matured into a selfless young man who will be entering basic training this October. All signs point to him being “over there” at this time next year after he completes his M.P. and K-9 training. God speed son. I work in Physical Therapy. The wife works for some french store .. Target I think.
What’s your favorite Bush nickname the left uses (e.g., “Chimperor”)? I don’t have a favorite. But I do enjoy the fact that the libs still can’t agree on whether he’s simply a bumbling idiot, or an evil dictator bent on world domination through planetary destruction.
How long have you been reading IMAO? Just a few months.
What’s your favorite IMAO post? I admit that I do enjoy reading the Daily John Edwards Fabulous Facts, or anything pertaining to firearms ( I love my Para Ord P-12 .45 , got rid of my Walther PPK/S because the slide on that little bastard likes to attempt spontaneous amputation of my thumb due to the high thumb position I use… no such problem with my Glock 26 and zero malfunctions after 3k rounds makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.) My problem is that I don’t frequent the site enough, so by the time I read anything it’s near archive material and posting seems pointless. I was the last to post on, “Just Something I’ve Noticed” 8/12 , the list of liberal propaganda code words …. just seconds later it went to archive.
What’s you favorite political issue? Always the 2nd Amendment, but lately it has to be all of this self-important, nonsensical rambling about “global warming”. Key fact here… sometimes the earth gets warmer, and sometimes the earth gets cooler. This has been going on since the dawn of creation, and will continue until the evil USA blows it all to hell. Get a life people. I’ll sit patiently waiting for the “global cooling” hysteria thank you.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. No.
If you could shoot powerful beams out your eyes, how often do you think you could actually find a use for that? I honestly can’t think of any situation that wouldn’t call for it’s use…. from simplifying meal prep, un-clogging a drain, reducing lines at the DMV, would also be a big hit a children’s parties I’m sure…. It would be the closest we mortals could get to being Fred Thompson.
If you commented in the original post that you want to be included, you’re still in the running. Eventually I’ll have another post asking for who wants to participate, so keep reading. Thanks to everyone who has participated so far!