Ronin Profiles Open Casting

I needed to take a break for a day on Ronin Profiles, but I plan to keep it up as long as there are people to profile. If you wanted to be in Ronin Profiles but haven’t been featured yet, just comment to this post. Make sure to fill out the e-mail field (only I get to see that) so I know where to send the questions to.

People Respond to Whether the U.S. Military Should Kill Terrorists

Many people liked my editorial yesterday called “I Think the U.S. Military Should Kill Terrorists (Redstate even had it on the front page), but some people didn’t like it.
I will respond!

Mirror writes:

INSPIRING!! So I guess you’ll be down at the recruiting office this afternoon to sign up, then. But why did you wait so long?

Did you even read the article? It wasn’t called “I Think Frank J. Should Kill the Terrorists.” You are very stupid if you couldn’t understand the point of such a simply argued editorial. You should check that the toys you put in your mouth don’t have lead paint from China.

SplendidOne write:

I don’t think it our government’s job to kill anyone who is not actively involved in planning, and has the real-time potential to conduct, or is actively involved in conducting terrorist activities against the United States.

You already lost me. You need to write in short clear sentences like me.

Even with real terrorists, the job isn’t to kill them it’s to protect us from them. Killing is one way to do that; it’s not the only way. And killing them seems to be messy, in that lots of innocents also get killed. (FYI, “brown skinned people who aren’t Christians” is not a definition of “terrorist.”)

Obviously you don’t have the new edition of Websters.

Funny how the our oh-so-effective military can’t seem to get the number one terrorist – Osama bin Laden.

So we should get rid of the military because they haven’t killed one particular terrorist out of a million? You’re stupid.

If you aren’t going to volunteer, get trained, and go out and kill terrorists while in the military, how about contracting with the Bush administration to get Osama for us?

I think you’re sucking on the same toys as Mirror.

I bet that one individual, even starting out untrained, given, say $50M and unlimited spending authority on it, could find and kill bin Laden within a year.

I bet you’re retarded. I literally bet a thousand dollars on that.

Oh, wait, I forgot, Osama’s “not important” anymore. 🙂

Lead poisoning can affect memory.

Steveo writes:

I have an idea!
We should give soldiers police authority! That way, when they aren’t at war, we could have hundreds of thousands of extra policemen all around the country. The military should be in charge of police. After all, they’re trained in just what police officers do everyday: handle weapons and kill criminals. Crime would be way down, for sure.
Makes sense, doesn’t it??

Are all the criminals in the U.S. actively plotting to kill us right now? If so, then you have a point. Otherwise, you are retarded.
Ever notice how people who comment here to disagree with me tend to be retarded?

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgJohn Edwards created the youth organization “Edwards Scouts” for boys who like to wear skirts and sell cookies.

Noose at University of Maryland is Disgraceful!
An Editorial by Harvey

On the University of Maryland campus, a small noose was found hanging from a tree near a cultural center that houses the black faculty association and a black newspaper. I, for one, am absolutely outraged by this travesty!
Look at that pathetic thing! You call that a noose? The damn thing’s so small, you couldn’t even hang a Democrat’s sense of decency with it! It took ’em two weeks before anyone even noticed it was there.

“you’d think they could toss in just one lousy credit of Stringing People Up 101.”

And what’d they make it out of, anyway? That sure as hell isn’t rope. Looks like a bunch of hippies pooled their hemp necklaces and braided them all together. And what in the name of John Edwards kind of sissy-pants braiding IS that? If you’re going to make a respectable noose, you make it out of three strand hawser-laid jute or don’t even bother tossing it over the tree branch.
And don’t even get me started on the knot at the end. Hell my mother gets closer to a Hangman’s Knot when she’s knitting. It’s supposed to have 13 coils.
THIRTEEN, people!
How can you send a man to hell if you don’t have thirteen coils?
Heck, even that turd Saddam got seven.
This miserable twist of emo-goth neck-deco didn’t even have three.
Look, I understand that colleges these days mostly only teach PC BS like bi-lesbian tree-dancing and whatnot, but you’d think they could toss in just one lousy credit of Stringing People Up 101. What are these poor kids gonna do if someone steals their horse someday? You don’t put a horse thief in time out! Ya hoist ‘im up like a bird feeder & let the vultures do the rest.

Yeah, I know people don’t ride horses anymore, but we’ve still got plenty of Congressmen & journalists whose necks are too short, so I think my point remains valid.

Harvey is a non-disabled Navy veteran accidentally hired to fill an affirmative action quota at He is also the author of such books as “Executioning: A Career Guide For Teenagers” and “Rope: Not Just For Kinky Sex Anymore”.

The Indignities of the Modern Military

It’s got to be hard for a general like Petraeus to have to be called a traitor by and have to sit there while Hillary Clinton calls him a liar and Barack “Let’s Invade Packistan Now and… Ooh! Shiny!” Obama lectures him on foreign policy. At least John Edwards still isn’t a Senator or he’d probably have to hear Edwards question his manhood.

Ask a Liberal

Q. It ends up that you guys in the nutroots use the exact same rhetoric as Osama bin Laden. What do you think of that?
Keith Olbermann’s answer:

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

The outgoing message on Fred Thompson’s voicemail is, “How dare you try and disturb me! I’m not here right now; instead, I’m behind you with a shotgun and you won’t live to hear the sound of the beep!”