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Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s JamesT.
What’s the story behind your name? Well. My first name is James. And my middle name starts with a “T.” The “T” stands for “Thaddeus”, a proud and stately name that comes with a mint. Of course, according to my parents, I was almost named either “Rasputin” or “Osgood.” If that had happened, I prob would have wound up a serial killer from the repeated playground beatings from my peers.
Where do you live? Overland Park, Kansas. And contrary to rich effette poo-flinging monkey faced liberals from Mission Hills there is nothing the matter with Kansas. We are doing just fine, so piss off you Mission Hills snob.
How old are you? I quote Chiun, Master of Sinanju, “For a plum, I am old beyond my time, for a mountain, I have not begun my years, for a man, I am just right.”
Tell us briefly about yourself. Well. I live in Kansas. I am a lawyer for a mid-sized engineering firm. I came to Kansas to go to college and pretty much stayed. I, am, of course, a gun owner, a TV fanatic, avid video game player, reader of all things sci-fi and have a Barry Goldwater figure on my desk. Despite all this, I am married, and even have a daughter who turned two over the holiday weekend. I plan on raising her to be The Ultimate Living Weapon, and at 18 unleash her upon an unsuspecting world as my vengeance. My wife is provisionally on board with this plan, as the alternative is the raising of an army composed of my clones. We have three cats. All are mean. Two live indoors, and the one that is a whirling dervish of white hot feline rage and fury lives in outside where she attacks our neighbors pugs on a regular basis. One consistently craps on my shoes. I think there is a message there. I am your typical neo-libertarian leaning Kansan who thinks Sam Brownback needs to shut up and get back to work and put down the dream pipe.
What do you think was made first: The can, or the can opener? Support your argument. Thats an easy one. The can opener. Rocks, tree branches, jawbones of your slain enemies have been around much longer then cans. The can opener just made it easier to eat the contents out of the can, rather then licking the spatter off the walls.
How long have you been reading IMAO? Since, I dunno, 2002? 2003? Long time. I first started when I had a state job and had lots of free time as a result.
What’s your favorite IMAO post? Anything with Buck The Marine. My brother is a Marine, and he kinda talks, and acts on occasion, like Buck. Which makes the Buck segments all teh funnyer as I imagine my brother saying those lines. A close second are the In My World Posts. Those at times have been so funny, I have cried. Which sounds kinda wussy, but they were tears of mirth, and it is far more manly then peeing my pants from laughter.
What’s you favorite political issue? Eminent domain. I view this as an assault on the basic and most important underpinnings of a free society, the ownership of property. If you own property at the sufferance of the government, then you are no longer free. This has been a long held issue for me. I almost married a girl from law school because of her views on Hawaii Housing Authority v. Midkiff (1984) (well, ok, all I did was try to sleep with her, and thus creating among my law school peers the “Hawaii Housing Authority Dating Standard”) and started a near riot in my Constitutional Law class advocating armed resistance in Wickard v. Filburn, (1942) and calling FDR a “big fat socialist stooge.” Of course, after that only members of the Federalist Society would talk to me anymore.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. A website? Nope not me. Mainly because I am really, really lazy. And because I have no website, that allows me to criticize the websites of those who do with impunity and authority.
Who do you think would win in a fight between a ninja and a Shaolin monk? According to the documentary, “Ninja vs Shaolin”, the Shaolin monk would win. Of course, this does not take into account a ninja who was Lee Van Cleeff. In either case, Chiun could kick both they asses.
If you commented in the original post that you want to be included, you’re still in the running. Eventually I’ll have another post asking for who wants to participate, so keep reading. Thanks to everyone who has participated so far!