Ronin Profile: Strnj1


Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s Strnj1.

What’s the story behind your name? Old blue collar worker with a degree whose been investing since his late twenties. Hence, a lot of the “Do you know who I am ?” White Collar crowd have a very hard time trying to comprehend my “Doesn’t impress me.” attitude.
Where do you live? Richmond, VA ( Ya know, still fightin’ the Civil War till we realized we were, now, being invaded from the south.)
How old are you? Throwin’ away AARP mailers…
Tell us briefly about yourself. Ol’ Computer geek… I’ve been building my own since Bill Gates was an IBM contractor.
How long have you been reading IMAO? Seems like a several years… Time flies when you’re having fun.
What’s your favorite IMAO post? The Chronicles of W when they were around… (Bought the book.) Now, it’s “lolterizt!
If you were to describe IMAO in three words, what would those be? Either the obvious, “Nuke the Moon” or the more subtle but to the point, “Punch Monkey Faces.”
What’s you favorite political issue? My “favorite” is the Flat Tax. The one that irritates me the most is the blatant illegal population and those that exploit them.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. Nope, somewhat of a recluse unless drawn out.
Given a choice between Order and Chaos, what would be the name of your rock band? That’s easy. Chaos. You should see my house.

If you commented in the latest post asking for participants, you’re still in the running. Thanks to everyone who has participated so far; just because you may not think you’re interesting doesn’t mean we won’t enjoy your story.

I Tell You What I Think at Another Site

Sorry for the light posting lately, but I’m a very busy man. Anyway, John Hawkins has another survey of right-wing bloggers (including me, Frank J.!) on a variety of subjects. Check it out and learn what you should be thinking.

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgJohn Edwards doesn’t understand why men flinch when they see a guy on TV take a shot to the groin.
Bonus Fact from Jim:
Contrary to popular belief, the movie “Hairspray” is NOT John Edward’s biography.
Bonus Fact from Casper the Friendly Host:
For 6 months after the devastating loss in 2004, Elizabeth Edwards had to slip into an ARMY jacket and gruffly whisper “Genghis Khan” & “I served in Vietnam” over & over to get Lil’ Johnny in the mood.

Thompson Avoiding “Dumb Questions” From Blacks

WASHINGTON (AP) – After being accused of racism for skipping a televised debate at a historically black college in Baltimore later this month, presidential candidate Fred Thompson explained that it was due to a combination of scheduling conflicts and the fact that “black people ask REALLY dumb questions.”

Fred Thompson barely containing his disgust at being queried by “those darn Negroes”.

“Every time I see a black hand go up at a college forum,” said Thompson, “I just cringe because I know the guy’s gonna ask something incredibly ignorant.”
“For example,” he continued, “I was at Alcorn State a couple weeks ago, and this colored fella pipes up with something like ‘yo, man, mah ho’ cain’t gets no wefare, wazzup wit dat?’. Now, I ain’t got the first clue of what this idiot’s babbling about with all that yo-ing and ho-ing. I thought Talk Like a Pirate Day wasn’t until September 19th?”.
“And if it isn’t dumb-ass questions, it’s crap about why I don’t have more black people on my campaign staff. Well, I tell ya, if I could find a black guy that would actually show up to work without a malt liquor in one hand and a crack pipe in the other, I’d hire him in heart beat.”
“And before you go criticizing me for saying that,” pre-empted Thompson, “let me make it clear that I’m NOT prejudiced. I wouldn’t hire a black WOMAN, either. Damn annoying harpies with that wobbly neck-waggling thing they do when they say ‘oh no you di-int!’ and always whining about ‘dey baby daddy’… I’m a busy man. Got a campaign to run. Ain’t got time for mumbly, fatuous, minority bellyaching.”
“Besides,” concluded Thompson, “if I were going to learn a foreign language, it sure as hell wouldn’t be Ebonics. It’d be something useful, like how to say ‘kneel before Fred Thompson!’ in Arabic.”


Ye know what day it is?

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

When Fred Thompson speaks at a college, all the hippies are pre-tasered.