Links of the Day

Just about through my busy patch, so I’ll soon be back to the quality blogging you’ve all come to expect from me (including an all new In My World tomorrow). Anyway, here are some links to things I’ve been meaning to blog about but haven’t had the time:
Blackfive (and other milbloggers) meet President Bush.
Here’s an interesting take on the psychological difference between liberals and conservatives based on what they find to be important morally. It could all be BS, but I like it because it confirms my prejudices.
Should Democrats give up trying to win votes from white males? Since most of the Democrat leaders and activists (as witnessed at the YearlyKos) are still white males but the same group is such a small percentage of their voters, no wonder they end up being such out of touch elitists. The party is nothing but whitey and cracker telling the black man what they think he needs.

Ronin Profile: khart208


Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s khart208.

What’s the story behind your name? Once upon a time, when there were bad Germans (the communist kind) and bad Russians (the Evil Empire kind) it was left to young, upright, highly trained and super- top secret cleared individuals, such as myself, to keep an eye on their twisted communist minds as they raced to complete the hush-a-bomb. After a while, they became nicer and our friends and I had to go do something else that involved blowing up huge tracts of desert with Iraqi tanks in it. So, it’s a combination of my name and a job code I once held.
Where do you live? Pretty much as deepinthehearta as you can get, just south of the People’s Republic of Austin, TX. ‘Course, we just string up any hippies and communists we find in these here parts.
How old are you? Hmm… when I played with G.I. Joes, they weren’t any part of some international global crime fighting team. Mine were American fighting men, killin’ for’ners, ooh-rah! The Twilight Zone premiered the day I was born. That might have been an omen. Or maybe not.
Tell us briefly about yourself. Born in Oregon, raised in Colorado, ended up in Texas. I’ve seen a greater part of the world, courtesy of the US Air Force. Even the sandy, blown up bits were cool, but I really liked Germany (the good Germany, not the bad one). For a brief time after I got out, I was a network engineer for a couple of CLECs, and then I turned into a teacher.
How long have you been reading IMAO? Not as long as I should have, mea culpa. Probably about a year now, though it’s taken that long to get up enough gumption to post anything.
What’s your favorite IMAO post? Wow… there are so many! I’d have to say any of the “In My World” posts, followed closely by Ronin Profiles.
If you were to describe IMAO in three words, what would those be? Take no prisoners. I find those are pretty good words for anyone to live by, but it’s the attitude I feel most when I read a particularly stinging IMAO post.
What’s you favorite political issue? Illegal immigration. I’m not quite willing to see this country surrender to a permanent peasant class sprinkled with crazy Muslim imams and terrorists. If I wanted to live someplace like that, I’d move to France.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. The only website I have is the one I have to clean up every time Spiderman holds one of his wild parties out in the back yard. Talk about a sticky, fly-specked mess…
Birds: What do you think they’re up to and why do they think they’re too good for the ground? Birds, man, don’t get me started. Flapping their wings, staring at you with those oh-so-superior “we don’t need engines and properly machined lifting bodies to fly” beads they call eyes. If they’re so great, why don’t they carry AIM-9’s and 20mm cannon? I’d like to see some swallow outrun a heat seeker. Go ahead, land on the ground… you’re on my turf, now, Tweetie. Honey! Let the cat out! Sorry… got a little worked up their. My therapist tells me birds are our friends, but he looks kind of like a vulture to me, when the light’s right.

If you commented in the latest post asking for participants, you’re still in the running. Thanks to everyone who has participated so far; just because you may not think you’re interesting doesn’t mean we won’t enjoy your story.

A Suggestion

If Ahmadinejad wants to visit Ground Zero, let him. When he’s out in the open there, snipe him in the head. If the international community complains, just say, “It was a random sniper. This is America; sometimes there are random snipers. Probably never find him. What are you gonna do?”
This is why I should be in charge of stuff; I offer solutions.

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgJohn Edwards favorite action movie? “Spice World”.
Bonus Fact from Jim:
John Edwards is against mandatory helmet laws. Not because he’s a libertarian, it’s just that he can’t stand helmet hair.
Bonus Fact from John of Johnalism:
John Edwards lost his job to the Snuggles Bear when Unilever opted to toughen the brand’s image.
Bonus Fact from Silicon Valley Jim:
When John Edwards was a child, not only did his mother never have to tell him to clean up his room, but he would tell his parents to clean theirs up.

Top 10 Things Overheard at the John Kerry Speech Tasering Incident

10) “That’s SO reminiscent of Genghis Khan.”
9) “Or Lyndie England.”
8) “Can I get a purple heart for this, bro?”
7) “Al Gore invented the taser, ya know.”
6) “How many carbon offsets will he need to cancel that out?”
5) “Don’t taser him yet! I have a plan!”
4) “Sorry, I fell asleep the second Kerry opened his yap. What’d I miss?”
3) “Cool! It’s just like Burning Man, except, you know, not made out of wood.”
2) “That’s what you get for not serving in Vietnam like me!”
and the #1 thing overheard at the John Kerry speech tasering incident (see extended entry)…

Continue reading ‘Top 10 Things Overheard at the John Kerry Speech Tasering Incident’ »

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Ironically, hecklers are the quietest people at a Fred Thompson speech… since they’re dead.