Mary Katharine Ham has pictures from Ground Zero where she was handing out pamphlets about the real truth about 9/11 (I’m sure to the consternation of the Twoofers there who it sounds like she’ll have a HamNation about soon).
Potfry was unable to trademark “Islamic Rage Boy” since he was found to be “disparaging” to Muslims. Maybe he is, but whose fault is that?
How to cook bacon.
Archive of entries posted on 11th September 2007
Ronin Profiles: Humble Servant
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Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s Humble Servant.
What’s the story behind your name? I humbly serve humanity by explaining the truth behind liberalism. Also, as I abuse liberals on other websites, I always sign my posts “As Always, Your Humble Servant,” and this drives the hippies nuts.
Where do you live? Parts unknown.
How old are you? 43
Tell us briefly about yourself. I enjoy candle lit dinners, and walks on the beach…oh, sorry, wrong website. I am part of the vast right-wing conspiracy. My BFF, Jose Cuervo, is my main inspiration in abusing liberals, and my uncontrollable urge to punch hippies.
Do you think economic and political ideas should be tested on monkeys before they’re used on humans? That would be cruel to animals. I think we should test them on liberals first, and then move to higher forms of primates like monkeys and baboons.
How long have you been reading IMAO? About 1 year.
What’s your favorite IMAO post? Fred Thompson facts, and Nancy-boy Edwards Fabulous facts.
What’s you favorite political issue? My hot-button is liberal aristocracy…that they think they are smart enough to tell everyone else how to live, yet they do not want to live that way. Nancy-boy Edwards wants to talk about two Americas, yet he lives in a 20,000 square foot home in NC.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. My site is titled: Liberal Hypocrisy–but, then again, I repeat myself. I like to point out the blatant hypocrisy of liberalism. I have an ever growing page devoted to “You Just Might Be a Liberal Hypocrite.”
What do you do with a drunken sailor? Give him 3 Purple Hearts and let him run for president in 2004.
[My answer is: Make him post daily on my site. -Ed.]
If you commented in the original post that you want to be included, you’re still in the running. Eventually I’ll have another post asking for who wants to participate, so keep reading. Thanks to everyone who has participated so far!
Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact
John Edwards loves his teddy bears, which is why – if you ask him “Ginger or Mary Ann?” – he’ll answer “Skipper”.
Bonus Fact from Silicon Valley Jim:
The first argument in John and Elizabeth Edwards’s marriage occurred when Elizabeth used John’s rouge before he was done with it. He’d already done his cheeks, but hadn’t done his nipples yet.
Most bloggers I know started after 9/11, but here’s what Glenn Reynolds was blogging that day (start there and scroll up).
lolterizt! Part 14
On this 6th anniversary of 9/11, a thought for terrorists:
We’re not terrorized.
We’re laughing at you.
Reader submissions:
From Tom in Knoxvegas:
PRODUCTION NOTE: When creating lolterizt! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.
Send your submissions to and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.
Who Knows More: A General or Wiener Kids on the Internet?
MoveOn put out a full page ad attacking General Petraeus by calling him “General Betray Us.” By their tiny, chicken-brain understanding of things, someone who doesn’t say only doom and gloom about Iraq is evil and lying to us. Many Democrat politicians have distanced themselves from the ad but the left-wing blogosphere thinks it completely accurate and productive for them to impugn him. So, it comes to the question of who do we trust more on Iraq: A serving general or wiener kids on the internet? Let’s compare and contrast!
General Petraeus: A general.
Wiener Kids on the Internet: A bunch of wiener kids.
General Petraeus: Want the military to succeed.
Wiener Kids on the Internet: Wants nothing more than the military to fail.
General Petraeus: Nice. Wise.
Wiener Kids on the Internet: Arrogant. Nigh-retarded.
General Petraeus: Understand military strategy.
Wiener Kids on the Internet: Understands strategy for getting a diary recommended on Daily Kos.
General Petraeus: Uses regular hygiene.
Wiener Kids on the Internet: Smells funny.
General Petraeus: Sounds like a smart, serious person.
Wiener Kids on the Internet: Sounds like Osama bin Laden.
General Petraeus: Knows that Islamic radicals are responsible for terrorist attacks.
Wiener Kids on the Internet: Thinks that the U.S. secretly attacks itself just for kicks.
General Petraeus: Really likes America.
Wiener Kids on the Internet: Doesn’t see why America is so special.
Hmm… who to trust…
Well, as a respected pundit, I should choose one. I’m going to go with the general over the wiener kids on this. That’s just my gut feeling.
Six Years
It’s been six years since we were attacked on our soil, and I’m not sure what’s left to say. Either you get it, or you don’t. You understand there are people out there plotting to kill us and that by far the biggest responsibility of the federal government is to do something about taht or you choose to ignore that so you can focus on easier piddling crap issues. In my greatest optimism, I never thought we’d go this long without another attack, and hopefully we can go much longer. If we ever let the unserious rule — those who choose to ignore the problem for its political inconvenience — then we’re inviting the next attack. Sure, eventually that will cause a rallying cry, but hopefully enough of us can remain serious people without having to once again witness such a spectacle of destruction and death.
Hagel, the Senator I’ve most wanted to punch in the face, is retiring. That’s awesome. He could likely be replaced by Democrat Bob Kerrey who I think would be a huge trade up from Hagel. I know I’m supposed to be a partisan hack and should be upset of the possibility of losing a Republican seat to a Democrat, but I respect Bob Kerrey and totally opposite of respect Hagel.
Kos tried to calm his denizens about Kerrey by noting that, other than that he’s for the Iraq War, he’s a pretty solid Democrat. Can’t you say the same about Lieberman, who they hatesy?
Oh yeah; Lieberman is a Jew. They hate Jews.
Just like Osama bin Laden.
Who they sounds a lot like.
Or vice verasa.
On 9/11, he went to Twitter and said…
If Jesus came back and saw all this, I’d think he’d cop a plea. I sure as hell wouldn’t die for all this species’ sins.
Ward Chruchill the Fake Indian called the WTC victims “Little Eichmans.” Based on his politics, you’d think he’d venerate Eichman.
For lunch, I’m eating a ham and cheese with bacon sandwich. Yahweh. Allah, and my doctor can bite my ass.
Buddhism is the true religion of peace. They should sue Islam for deceptive marketing practices.
I don’t need 72 virgins. Just give me four hotties in bikinis playing beach volleyball on ESPN2. And some cheese fries.
If Abu Hamsa al Masri were deported, his severed head would hit the tarmac first. A UK jail is Paradise for him.
Evil exists. Moral relativism is an evil in an of itself. Comparison of civilization to barbarism on equal grounds is shameful myopic guilt.
Saddam is dead. Pinochet is dead. Waldheim is dead. Arafat is dead. Fahd is dead. So when good people die, take comfort in death’s totality.
How many problems would be solved if India and Pakistan had a nuclear war? Can we outsource the inevitable Iran-USA conflict somehow?
All those eloquent statements by America’s celebrities. So glad their writers ran out of material. It just didn’t sound natural.
The only good that came out of the towers collapsing was the silencing of so many NYC tv and radio transmitters. So much garbage these days.
We are not all New Yorkers, as Rudy G. claimed back in 2001. No, to our enemies, we are all INFIDELS.
Never worry that your daughter will be forced to wear a burkah in an Islamic state of America. We’ll all be beheaded first.
Loose Change is the Plan 9 From Outer Space of documentaries.
Gazans danced with glee on 9/11. They still do, but CNN & BBC won’t show it. Too many kidnappings, you know. Bad for business.
When I hear conspiracists talk about 4,000 Jews staying home from work on 9/11, I like to tell them “And they know where you live.”
I don’t consider Lebanon a country. It is a pathetic, weak-willed tool used by other countries for violence upon others.
(and then he arrived at work)