Six Years

It’s been six years since we were attacked on our soil, and I’m not sure what’s left to say. Either you get it, or you don’t. You understand there are people out there plotting to kill us and that by far the biggest responsibility of the federal government is to do something about taht or you choose to ignore that so you can focus on easier piddling crap issues. In my greatest optimism, I never thought we’d go this long without another attack, and hopefully we can go much longer. If we ever let the unserious rule — those who choose to ignore the problem for its political inconvenience — then we’re inviting the next attack. Sure, eventually that will cause a rallying cry, but hopefully enough of us can remain serious people without having to once again witness such a spectacle of destruction and death.


  1. Until we get past “political correctness” and discuss what is written in the holy books of the particular religion that keeps trying to kill the rest of us all over the world, instead of continually referring to it as a “religion of peace,” Americans, as a whole won’t get it.
    I thought that once a group made a statement that they were at war and wanted to kill you, you were pretty much “at war.” It’s simple…just read it for yourselves in their own books.

  2. I get it.
    While I hope with you, I have more of a pessimistic attitude. We’re attack-free for 6 years to the ineptitude of the terrorists more so than anything we’re doing. The border controls are deplorable. The only we can be remotely sure of is that there’s no nuclear material sneaking in, cuz like, that stuff screws up your cell reception and give you huge gonads. In that order. And who wants huge gonads without being able to talk dirty on the phone? In French?

  3. Can I get an AMEN?!?
    I feel like Frank J., however I beleive that it is only a matter of time before we are attacked again, and when it happens, it will be far worse than 9/11. I say to all Americans, stand up and bring “Jihad” back to all the towel headed M.Fer’s that brought it to us.

  4. Who wants to bet the “Jersy Girls” are mourning their husbands’ deaths with expensive wine, gourmet food & male strippers today? They ought to be sure to thank us; we’re footing the bill.
    Six years without another direct attack on our soil (the mail-order anthrax assaults notwithstanding) is proof enough that the war on terror is just. I think we should take this day to remember all of the people who died because of the Clinton administration’s blunders:
    The 1993 WTC attack
    The US embassy bombings
    The victims on the USS Cole
    I think that another attack is going to happen due to the appeasing attitude of our Democratic leadership, especially if they get one of their candidates elected to the Presidency. Their top three contenders consist of a Deobandi Muslim, the wife of a lying traitor, and a pretty-boy lawyer who channels dead babies. Forget the lack of sophistication of the terrorists; the have the resources and drive to keep trying to destroy us, and it’s the malfeasance of the liberals who will make it happen for the them. Just like it did before.
    I’m amazed by the short-term memory loss the Left seems to have. Couple that with the culture of conspiracy theories about how 9/11 was all our fault (or orchestrated by the Bush administration), and you have yet another platform for the terrorists to get a foot in the door.

  5. Every time you get serious, Alan, I have the urge to buy you dinner.
    Ever get the feeling that if one of those people you so elequently described:

    Their top three contenders consist of a Deobandi Muslim, the wife of a lying traitor, and a pretty-boy lawyer who channels dead babies.

    gets elected, that we’re going to miss Bush REAL BADLY inspite of the fact that he’s the best damn Democrat the Democrats ever had?

  6. I might miss Bush a little bit if a Dem gets elected, but not because of his stance on immigration. But the main thing to do now is do our level best to make damn sure that a real Republican gets the Presidency, not a liberal Democrat & not a RINO. That means knowing the candidates stances on the most important issues now (stance in this context having nothing to do with how a Republican posits himself in a bathroom stall), getting the facts about their political history, being able to convey the facts to other people who might be unsure of how to vote & actually doing it, and if necessary, engaging a liberal about why he/she/it is mistaken on just about everything that tumbles out of their mouths like so many goat droppings.
    Seriously, we ought to all be well informed about who we’re going to support and/or oppose & why. I think I know all I need to know about the Democrat hopefuls, but I think that I am woefully lacking in knowledge about the candidates I might want to win.
    That having been said, can anyone post a reliable link to website that has all the pertinent info on the Republican hopefuls? Please, don’t post a link to MyDD or Kos; I don’t want to clean vomit off the keyboard.

  7. Well said Frank! Behind the funny at IMAO is a rational serious spirit that supports our country and our military and I for one appreciate your patriotism! I pray that our brave men and women in uniform are kept safe from harm on this anniversary and that we wake up as a people to the evil that is out there!

  8. Amen RJS. I would also add this to say to the troops: Thank you for your service, please keep your head down your chin up and watch your six.
    To police and fire men/women plus all who serve to keep us safe thank you. to qoute garth from wayne’s world ‘We aren’t worthy..we aren’t worthy.’ You guys are heroes. we are in your debt.
    G-d Bless.

  9. At times I despair. I wonder if the silent majority is still a thinking entity or if it’s been “American Idol-ized”. Then I come here. Thank you, all of you, even the trolls (you provide teh funny).
    God bless our fighting men and women, their families, our righteous leaders (should he be able to find any), and the families of those who have died since 9/11 in the fight for freedom from the ” religion of peace”- radicals.
    …. May God keep you in the palm of his hand.- part of an old Irish blessing.

  10. As I watched our nation do its various memorials and remembrances on Tuesday September 11, 2007 I was actually almost as disgusted as I was 6 years earlier on that same day. I still feel for the families that lost someone that day, and I still have a bit of anger in my heart about that day. But I believe that we spent Tuesday remembering the wrong people. The folks that went to work that day, got on a plane that day, the folks that didn’t know what was going to happen that day, I am not that concerned about. What we as a nation need to do, is to remember the 19 terrorists who took their actions that day, and what happened after that. We need to be thinking about the fact that on the other side of the world, and even in our own country, people are celebrating what happened that day. That there is likely someone somewhere wishing and hoping and possibly planning another attack.
    There are presidential candidates that will sit there and pat themselves on the back for a moment of silence for those that we lost, however, they would like to put their heads in the sand when it comes to dealing with this problem.
    It is disgusting, and it is tragic that so many people in this country don’t pay attention to these problems.
    and let me add, we now hassel good looking women on planes, but let imans (terrorists) talk about hijacking and then apologize for offending them with complaints

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