Random Thoughts

I’m all for going at Sotomayor with both barrels as long as we recognize it won’t directly accomplish anything.

Clarence Thomas is a race-traitor since he doesn’t imitate the politics of a rich, white liberal.

Is nominating a Supreme Court Justice a bit like appointing one ninth of a dictator?

With a finite supply of gay marriages in California, I wonder if people who don’t want them anymore can sell them on eBay?

With all this talk of Sotomayor and Prop 8, no one’s congratulating North Korea on their successful nuclear test.

They call a full time job a “9 to 5”, but have you ever known anyone who actually works 9am to 5pm? Who gets paid lunches?

To attack Sotomayor’s legal reasoning is to miss the point of why she was appointed; we need to question whether she is really Hispanic.

If 80% of your decisions are overturned by the Supreme Court, the best way to fix that is to become a Supreme Court Justice.

So is our only hope now to get Iran and North Korea to nuke each other?

Gays marrying could upset the natural balance of things. Gravity might reverse and the earth’s mass would fire us into space. I’m serious, people. Scientists still don’t know how gravity works. It may only function because we don’t allow gay marriage.

If conservatives want to steal the thunder of the Sotomayor nomination, Justice Roberts could reveal that he’s secretly Hispanic.

How do identity politics work? Do I have to be Hispanic to take pride in the Sotomayor nomination, or can I just have a really good tan?

If Obama gets us all killed, I leave my stereo to the highly evolved bird creatures that will dig it up millions of years from now.


  1. I’m curious, where did you see that 80% overturned figure? I haven’t been able to find a reliable source to cite that, and boy would I love to be able to shove that in my liberal friends’ faces.


  2. So, millions of people are Twittering? That would explain why this recession is getting worse: no one is getting any work done! Frank and his large staff should put all their energy into his blog so we all get more work done. You know, the one-stop-shopping principle.

  3. >>Gays marrying could upset the natural balance of things.

    According to an e-mail I recently received, gays marrying could be a Good Thing as follows:

    A. Back off and let those men who want to marry men, marry men.
    B. Allow those women who want to marry women, marry women.
    C. Allow those folks who want to abort their babies, abort their babies.
    D. In three generations, there will be no Democrats.
    Damn – I love it when a plan comes together.

  4. They call a full time job a “9 to 5″, but have you ever known anyone who actually works 9am to 5pm? Who gets paid lunches?

    Probably government employees and UAW members (those UAW members who still have jobs).

  5. Interesting how North Korea and the SCOTUS radical nominee stories merged on the same day.

    Obama should be very worried about the North Korean missile testing and nuclear weapons development. He confronted this issue by changing the subject to Sotomayor’s nomination. He certainly could have put this off by a day or two. Instead, the Chosen One rolled out a radical judicial activist and hid her behind a compelling personal story. The media lap dogs at CNN dutifully and breathlessly talked about everything except the nominee’s willingness to use her personal experience as justification to overlook and overrule legislative intent.

    The media and political classes were nattering incessantly yesterday about the nominee’s personal story and wound up making some really silly statements. ( you can see a list of these at:
    http://firstconservative.com/blog/political-humor/political-humor-the-sotomayor-season-of-silly-statements )

    The GOP needs to gear up opposition though. Confirming this nominee without a serious fight is a mistake.

  6. Did Obama’s new IPOD and boxed set of DVD’s and CD’s arrive in North Korea yet? These and the strongly worded letter from Hillary should pretty much take care of the Korea situation for now… Then we can get on to a national sales tax! Goody! He won, so sit down, shut up and pay!

  7. They call a full time job a “9 to 5″, but have you ever known anyone who actually works 9am to 5pm? Who gets paid lunches?

    I do, technically, but it’s a funky rotating 12 hour shift and more of an ‘eat whenever you can’ thing.

  8. #3, you are forgetting that most of the Dhimmicrat voters are Rich White folks who would do these things, but the others are low class Black and Hispanic voters who’ve been tricked onto the Plantation and breed like rabbits, then abandon their child-rearing responsibilities to the brain-washing State. So we’ll have an unfortunately large number of Dhimmicrats for a while. At least until the Rich White Libtards breed/gay themselves away, then the Plantation will have to close down and the Black and Hispanic voters may be allowed to think for themselves.

    HAH! Who am I kidding? We’ll never be rid of them, because race-baiters like Jackson, Sharpton, La Raza and MECHA will convince the rest that even though massa is gone, they really need to keep picking that cotton, lettuce, etc. and Big Daddy Gubmint will keep the money (of others, taken at gunpoint) flowing and the Food Stamps will fall down upon them like Rain.

  9. # Silicon Valley Jim says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 10:25 am

    They call a full time job a “9 to 5″, but have you ever known anyone who actually works 9am to 5pm? Who gets paid lunches?

    Probably government employees and UAW members (those UAW members who still have jobs).

    FIFY – (been there; done that)

    And that the 9-to-5 folks are generally portrayed on TV or in movies as office workers just shows that no one in TV-land or in Movie-ville has ever actually held a job with regular hours.

  10. “I’m all for going at Sotomayor with both barrels…”

    In the Obama Amerikkka, expect a knock on your door, phone taps and a knock at your door after a statement like that.

  11. hold on… just thinking here.

    imao… imao…

    internet may arise over
    incriminating my arse of… us?
    ingrid may anger obama
    incensed my alabama overlord

    nope. Still haven’t figured it out.

    carry on.

  12. “They call a full time job a “9 to 5″, but have you ever known anyone who actually works 9am to 5pm? Who gets paid lunches?”

    Not me, although if you are required to be on site from 7:30 to 4:15, 5 days a week like I am, then the company would be getting unpaid overtime if I did not take the 45 minute lunch.

    So avoiding more unpaid overtime is kinda like getting paid right?

  13. Welcome to the club, Jewels. Figuring out what IMAO means is like an initiation test.
    Then there’s the other recurring acronyms like: FIFY, LOL, ROTFLMAO, FWIW, BTW, SNAFU, FUBAR and BOHICA. (I invented one of my own; IWITOT, but it hasn’t really caught on.)

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