Frank Responds to More Spam Comments

Here are some more spam comments I’ve gotten. They always come with a link to some weird site, which is the point of flooding blogs with them, but I think the important thing is the message behind them:

Tremendous blog post bro. This important is just a incredibly nicely structured posting, just the wise information I was looking to find. I am truly thankful

Thank you! How I structures posts is what I work hard at because of the importance. I am glad you appreciate this thing.

I truly enjoyed reading your blog. It was well written and simple to undertand. Unlike additional blogs I have read. I also found it very interesting. Actually after reading, I had to go show the spouse and she ejoyed it as well!

I try to make my blog simple enough that even a spouse can understand it. That’s my policy here. I hope you continue to eJoy!

Howdy, This is a truly cinematic blog, and Allow me to agree with what was penned here. I will be back to check out the comments soon. Thanks

Howdy to you as well, pardner! But I have bad news: I cannot allow you to agree with what was penned here. I know that’s not very cinematic of me, but it’s just the way things are. I am sorry.

Hi,I am visitor from Google,my name is James White.I am agree with your point of your article.I think you must be very professional in this field and your view so clear.So helpfully!

Hello visitor from Google! It is good with having you here! I am a professional, and it is my professionalism that keeps my view clear. Once I was not professional — I was n00b — and then my view was not clear. I was constantly walking into lampposts. That was not helpfully.

Hm, brilliant article. Do you provide any kind of rating system because I am unable to locate it.
Kind Regards
Roy Sarmiento

You mean the thing with the stars you can click under every post on IMAO? No, sorry.

Read a blog at night. In this post, let me fascinated … writings of great landlord.

Dude, I’ve been blogging here nearly eight years now, and finally someone starts making some sense. Have a super happy lucky fun day number one and be honorable, ronin, or you shall taste the wrath of the great landlord!


  1. I found blog of yours to have with it many feelings that are to make me want to read with admiration and overcomings of excitement. You are thank with great help and trust of for the needing of many with the those that are to be named later when this read by them. You are to be making great times for my spouse are to be in the night with that on over those in the other with them. [insert crap link here]

  2. I glad so to have blog that spouse friendly. I have loving time reading the nblog and inspirational insights. I think I will point this to spouse so she not worry pretty head.

    Translated to IMAO babe language: Frank, take out the trash!

  3. A cinematic blog? Must have been all that who’s the best James Bond (It’s Connery in a landslide!) talk a few posts back and the talk about “director” M. Mightbe Sillyman and that garbage he euphemistically calls “movies.”

    Speaking of cinematic movies, I’m trying to decide wether I’m watching the Dune Miniseries or marathoning my Mystery Science Theatre 3000 collection this weekend. The wife wants to go dancing Saturday so I may need some cinematic therapy to take my mind off my utter inability to dance and not look like an epileptic monkey. Doesn’t she know white men can’t dance? Sheeesh!

    I just love movie talk!

  4. It is my opinion thus that the infidel with the pride and the face like the Barry from the man with White people house should watch Mystery Science Theater 3000 but he should not spell it in such a way to encourage Britishness the highest form of savagery and homosexualityness.

  5. Hello Frank of USAmerica,

    Duck pet me and I learned your blog for the laughing. Interested was myself in fungineering like youself! Also how I can become world class blogger American? Pakistan set us up the bomb neighbors not good. Hungry Duck pet was I go to the trough feeding him and I come with me. T-Shirts of moon to be nucking? I like moon to be nucked but not how know! lollol See USAmerica Frank I make laughs others for them also!

    Wing Pao Shiggz!

  6. I thank you Mr. Bond lookalike for your fine advice on cinematic matters. Rest assured I will take your advice on not to spell it in such a way to encourage Britishness the highest form of savagery and homosexualityness to heart, or maybe the liver. Hopefully that will prevent IMAO’s landlord who’s great writtings we either praise or laugh at, depending on our mood, from developing the swelled head of acomplished bloggers who procraim loudly “Yeah, I rock!” I think you must be very professional in this field and your view so clear. So thankful I be for your helpfully!

  7. -I would not trade all the British white man has accomplished for the ability to dance and jump. Ours is a proud legacy of great accomplishments. Sure we have skeletons in the closet but, most of us alive today have no interest in repeating those mistakes of the past which is more then you can say about many other cultures and peoples. I know its not PC to say so but that’s because its true. PC is about hiding the truth and telling lies that sound better.

    -“The saga of Dune is far from over” Dune miniseries from sci-fi channel? Most people like the older one Lynch but I prefer the more recent one. The special edition directors cut (gold box) is much higher video quality then the older. (silver box) Obviously I would like to see it done well and with a proper budget like LOTR but for a dune fix it werks.

  8. wing pai shiggz:
    “The saga of Dune is far from over.” Yep, that’s it. I like the Lynch movie, but the miniseries is much better, does a better job of showing the mysticism and background of the Fremen. As well as filling out many details of the story. After watching the miniseries, the movie seems hurried and erratic as they try to fit the story into a movie sized space.

  9. I think you for the superb complimenting of thine me the infidel, I am encouraged and will continue to act accordingly to draw more comments and praise I will also do my best to not act smug Roger Moore like and have relations with annoying women with shrill voices like the Roger Moore women or the evil Russian spy like in the Doctor Zorin movie these women ahve given a bad title to those called the blonde with the blonde I do not like this very much I feel Joe Don Baker would play the Bond superior to Roger Moore thank you for your time I will write this in my spreadsheet. With regards, the MarkoMancuso. Out.

  10. None of this matters to me, as I just received an email alerting me to the fact that they’re holding 300 million dollars in Indonesia from a distant relative of mine that died and left it to me. Pretty cool, because I’m not even Indonesian. But, this money will come in pretty handy…I already quit my job. It’s a pretty neat deal because all I have to do is send them $50,000 to cover the costs of getting some paperwork done and some legal stuff and then they’ll send me my check. No problem, I sold my house to my neighbor cheap (for $50,000) because I’m going to buy a much bigger one when my inheritance comes in. So, it’s a good day.

  11. After seeing November from my vote.

    I can see Impeachment from my 2010 Tea Party Congress.

    I can see American exceptionalism from my witness of the rest of the world in depression.

    I can see American immigration laws inforced by American law.

    I can see American troops withdrawn from far away lands because they should defend themselves.

    I can see American bomb sniffing dogs at every airport.

    Sh*t, why am I typing this here, I should do it on my own blog.

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