Vote for the Lesser of the Creepy Weirdos

So that Sanford thing was funny. He’s kind of a weird creep, but he still totally beat the Democrat because they’re all even weirder creeps that no one wants to be around. I mean, all the Democrats are basically out to molest our freedoms and our bank accounts, and we don’t want those people in our neighborhood. We’ll take a regular old creep like Mark Sanford any day.

What made this extra funnier was that the candidate against Sanford was only known for being the sister of Stephen Colbert who is supposed to be subversive and funny from a left perspective or something. I’ve never really watched his show; I once saw a little of it and it seemed like a parody of what liberals who have never watched FOX News but know they hate it think FOX News is like. Anyway, what I do know is funny is the Dems sunk like a million dollars in this race.

Whatever. I’m for filling all of Congress with creepy weirdos as long as they vote against Obama, the ultimate creep.


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