So what do you think should happen to Kathleen Sebelius for her huge incompetence and waste of tax dollars?
Remember, though: The harshest punishment available for a government employee is time off with pay.
I’m thinking she should write a hundred word essay on how she’ll try harder in the future.
Computers are very hard. They have bright screen and beep and I do not understand them. I tried to hire people who understand them, but they no good either. I will try to find better people. People with glasses because they are usually smart. Now I will count these words. That was only fifty words. Do I really need to write a hundred? That is a lot of words. This Secretary job is hard and now people are yelling at me. This makes me sad. I will count the words again. Still need some more. Burritos are my favorite food.
She should go back to Kansas and let seanmahair beat her about the head and shoulders with a giant tongue.
Huge cash bonus from untraceable slush fund accounts… Oh never mind, she already did that for herself.
She should have to:
listen to every Obama speech from beginning to end;
fill out her own tax forms (no assistance of any kind);
enroll online in ObamaCare before January 1st; and
start her own business, and keep it running, profitable, and legal for two years.
She should be set adrift on an iceberg. The Canadians are taking over the website, and that’s their way.
More and more I’m thinking that we should enact a modified version of Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” for politicians.
Is drawing and quartering on the table?
She should have to produce, by herself, a working application, using her choice of, C#, Java, or assembly language.
She should have to rewrite the Obamacare legislation in Spanish, Mandarin, French and Klingon.
That way, she’ll be out of our faces for a few years.
As a matter of fact, I would be in favor of that for all 800,000 “non-essential” workers, how ever many “essential” workers are in the Parks Service (they can take time off from cleaning their jackboots), the IRS, the ATF, DHS and most especially, the EPA.
Get those tools out of the way and maybe America can get back on track.
make her ambassador to pluto
I don’t for a second believe that something cool like burritos are her favorite food. She looks more like her favorite food would be soggy Weetabix in soy milk washed down with a Lemongrass smoothie.
Burritos? Obama and Reid have every Democrat eating a crap sandwich and grinning stupidly until the next elections when the real horror stories begin. And that’s if they lose, winning may just be the fundamental change that destroys many of our freedoms for a long long time.
Promote her to work on the U.N. asteroid project. By the time she figures out that no stirrups are involved, this administration will be gone.