Fixing the Root Cause of Their Problem

A new study shows that electric vehicles actually produce more pollution than internal combustion cars.

I’m sure environmentalists will spring into action by demanding the complete elimination of pollution studies.


  1. There is only one thing to do – discredit the author of the study, shame his employers into firing him, make sure social media algorithms suppress the story, and get the Justice Department to file criminal charges.

    Oh yeah, and let’s throw together some internet memes mocking the author of the study and anyone who might take it seriously.


  2. In the modern world, you’d darn well better either have faith in something, or knowledge of science yourself. Why? Because scientific reports issued to the public are now officially worthless.

    Oppo’s Ninety-Nine Theses:

    1. For any given topic, there will be reports supporting either one view or the opposite.

    2. The quantity of these “pro” and “con” reports that reach the masses will depend upon the bias of the researchers who perform them.

    3. AND upon and the media that transmits them.

    4. It is clear in which direction this bias trends.

    5. The quality of “pro” and “con” reports is immaterial. [See: “The consensus is… “; “The science is settled…”]

    6. Science is thus, ipso facto, and prima facie, not involved in modern scientific debates.

    7. Word definitions are also not involved in modern scientific debates.

    8. Logic is therefore also not involved in modern scientific debates.

    9. The last refuge of Leftists, after failing to:
    (a) Stifle dissenting views
    (b) Ignore dissenting views
    (c) Disprove dissenting vies

    is to

    (d) merely claim:

    “A New Study Has Shown…”

    [Now the most repulsive words in the English language]

    .. in order to disguise their guilt.

    It’s inescapably noticeable, that whether it’s global warming, the so-called war on poverty, or (in this case) “eco-friendly solutions,”


    They just blame it on the fact that this “new study” hadn’t come to their attention yet. Intellectual cowards, every one of them.

    I still owe you ninety theses, but I think those are pretty obvious.

  3. If I win the lottery, I’m going to buy a Tesla, rip out all the electric crap and drop in a ’62 Cadillac engine with like..8 carburetors, fill it with leaded gas and do donuts in the parking lot of the next GLOBAL WARMING™ !!11!! convention. Oh wait, on the runway were the private jets land.

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