Yes We Did!

Obama’s new campaign slogan: “Yes We Did!”

Doesn’t the Republican campaign ad pretty much just write itself?

10% unemployment – “Yes We Did!”

Skyrocketing debt and government expansion – “Yes We Did!”

Obama bowing to foreign monarchs – “Yes We Did!”

New health care takeover forced on America – “Yes We Did!”

The gulf covered in oil as Obama golfs – “Yes We Did!”

Maybe a better slogan for Obama would be one borrowed from his doppelganger Urkel: “Did I do that?”


  1. The sad truth is that many will find this slogan appealing.

    “America can probably survive Barack Obama. It cannot survive the idiots who elected him. They must be kept in the minority.” – Rush, today.

  2. Unfortunately the idiots who voted for Obamination, were half of the country. Half of the country are the village idiots who voted for him. Now how in God’s little green acre will America ever survive that? If a minority voted for Obama, we would not have him in the White House. Wonder how Rush will explain that?

  3. Why do I get the strangest suspicious that the middle word in that slogan is the imperial “we”?

    I just hope, deep in my heart of hearts, that someday after being frogmarched out of the White House, the last time I’ll ever have to hear him say those words, he’s wearing orange and a set of handcuffs, and is preceded by a long list of crimes against America, ending with “… how do you plead?”

  4. Breaking Fred Thompson rumors!

    A call for him to replace Michael Steel as RNC head.

    There is some interesting symmetry to it all. A younger black politician who is very likable but with a bad habit of sticking his foot in his mouth. With an older cranky white politician who probably at 9 years old once stuck his foot in his mouth and then swore a blood oath to his ancestors to never do so again.

  5. Did we create a new Religion based a merciful marxist messiah?
    “Yes We Did!”

    Did we export US gov paid for Child Sacrifice to other countries?
    “Yes We Did!”

    Is Cloward-Piven progressing as planned?
    “YES IT IS!!”

  6. Good Lord!! Slogans for the masses to rise up to and defend. We all have to admit, he did get through the healthcare so he can say “yes, we did”.

    I don’t like it, but his administration has done other things that are counter to the American dream. We can only hope that for once in our lives, we see Americans voting 11/02 who have never voted before & get Obama’s support removed from congress.

    It’s getting ugly out there with high unemployment & trillion dollar deficits. I might suggest everyone read that new book that out. It’s about a small town that finally stands up to federal tyranny & ends up starting the 2nd American Revolution. It seems to fit the times with so much anti-govt. feelings. Power to the People!! I recommend it.

  7. Pingback: Cassy Fiano » “Yes, We Did!”

  8. You didn’t include push #1 for English, #2 for Espanol etc. Pretty soon we will just get rid of button #1 since there won’t be any of us left. It will be #1 for Espanol and #2 for Eubonics…

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