
Has Al-Zarqawi bought the farm?
Or is he merely leasing the farm, maybe with some sort of an option to purchase?
Perhaps he has only borrowed the farm so he can test drive the sheep, chickens etc.
But, I hope he’s permanently become Farmer Al. So he can take himself a long nap in the dirt.

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  1. Around here son, we hang them that test drive sheep chickens, etc. But from what I know about Al-Zarqawi, seems like a job requirement; that and dressn’ up like girls! EI-EI-Ouch!
    O. MacDonald
    The Farm

  2. Too late, f. yah, our feet are already in the land of “Iraque” [sic]. May they stomp Zarqawi’s neck into the ground for what he did to all the people over there, including the people at the wedding in Jordan, the worshippers at mosques, and innocent children who just wanted a piece of American candy.

  3. Well, one thing is certain, if alzawhatsisface is dead, the MSM will mention it once in their 4:00 a.m. broadcast and then spend the rest of the day rehashing whatever tragic event has happened in Iraq in the last week.

  4. No feeding the trolls! still trying to get that “from under a rock in the sewer” smell outta here from the last one!
    Hows about a beer fund for the grunt or leatherneck who finally plugs that piece of shit?

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