To my knowledge, Frank J. has never had a Christmas themed banner before. Of course, he’s never had cobloggers or left somebody like me with admin. rights at Christmas either. So, I thought a seasonal modification would add some visual festivity. I know, some IMAO purists will say the NTM-IMAO banner is sacrosanct, but I think an insane snowman wielding a ninja sword is in keeping with the spirit of both the season and IMAO.
Thanks to Cadet Happy for making the image pretty close to spec. Snow on the letters might have been overkill anyway.
LOL. That’s the best IMAO logo yet!
Send me just the red letters… I have an idea…
Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!
Melly Chlistmas HHHIIIIYYYAAAA!!!
Ninja Sword?!?
I thought that was a giant philips head screwdriver. Besides, ninja swords are so 2003 (Kill Bill, The Last Samurai). This year it’s lightsabers! Get with the times.
No one of consequence:
look on the hat.
“pretty close” — why you dirty sum ‘ b1tc4
the snow would have detracted from the white snowman — that’s why its not there
I said thanks!
That’s kind of a scary snowman you’ve got there …
Merry Christmas to all!
I like the sword. The red handle makes it look nice and Christmasy!
If you look at the star though a good telescope (I recommend a good Dobsonian), you’ll see a mushroom cloud rising up from near the third planet.
Hmm… it’s missing something… yes… it needs more monkeys. Definately. More monkeys. After all, FrankJ has been replaced by a (space)monkey.
This is great! That’s really a great job! So what’ll it be tomorrow?
The guy that lives next door to my church made a snowman in his front yard that looked a lot like this one but it melted before I could remember to bring the camera.
Good job on the logo! I like it!
Can’t wait to see what shows up tomorrow!!
great logo, I love it!!
I for one advocate embracing our new Snowman Overlords. May thier rule be long and prosperous.
Well aside from the nightmares of attacking snowmen, I’m feeling very merry about your seasonal logo right now….AAAAAAARRRRRRAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!!
You guys are having WAY too much fun! LOL
I wuv it!!
just another way of repressing the black man you honkies by the way Tookie lives! Tookie! Tookie! Tookie! Tookie! Tookie! Tookie! Tookie! Tookie! Tookie! Tookie!
dang gotta go you white dudes are repressing me again I feel your foot on my neck
Tookie! Tookie! Tookie! Tookie!
//I feel your foot on my neck//
…but snowmen don’t have feet…do they?