Fun Trivia

What was US ambassador to the UN John Bolton’s response to the UN’s suggestion that we shutdown Gitmo?

He simply twitched his mustache and an entire UN delegation fell dead.


  1. “they said photographic evidence and the testimonies of former prisoners showed detainees were shackled, chained,…”
    ” …..and forced to wear earphones and goggles.”
    Do you know how many people in the American Penal System would stab someone for a pair of earphones?
    “They said prisoners were beaten if they resisted.”
    Which is different from European prisons, where you are kindly asked to stay in prison, you know, if you want to, no pressure.

  2. Nuke the UN (pronounced Yoon)?
    I’m down with that. I wish the terrorist Bosnian in “The Negotiator had succeeded to decimate Turtle Bay. The other upside would be tthat the huge colony of leftist wankers would be wiped out as well.
    A useless International Organization, and the most useless, crack-headed city in the world wiped out.
    Probably why George Looney stopped the guy. We should nuke him too!

  3. Heir Annan needs heavy doses of some sedatives…..with all the sh#t going on the the u.n. is supposed to be involved in…he gets on a stage and tells US that CLUB GITMO needs shut down! I say lets put him and his worthless kid in solitary down there and let Bolton be the warden.

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