No Senator Sheehan

Aww, schucks. Cindy ain’t running for Senate.
Look at this quote, though:

“I, as an American and as the mother of a hero, pledge to do what I can as a citizen to end the occupation of Iraq.”

Hero? I thought your son killed “freedom fighters” in an “illegal war.” If she already has the waffling down, why not go for broke and be a Senator?


  1. I’ve got an idea for Cindy. How about she goes home and takes care of her other children, the ones she’s abandoned like puppies at the pound.
    How about it, Cindy? Take care of the ones who are living? Who probably hate your guts right now?
    That’s what makes me angry. Not only dishonoring Casey’s service to our country, but also abandoning her other children to pursue her frothing moonbat agenda.
    Imperial Keeper

  2. Sheehan vs. Diane Frankenstein? The campaign would be ammusing to say the least, but when it comes down to it, what would be the difference? Just a different stool sample in the same commode.

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