Poor Cindy Gets Brutalized :(

Poor Cindy Sheehan.
She stepped out to see the State of the Union address and enjoy a relaxing evening of non-stop picture- taking but ended up posing for even more mug shots.
Michael Moore’s website has the latest letter from her explaining her side of the story.
Here’s my favorite quote – where she explains the horrible treatment she received at the hands of security:

He then ran over to me, hauled me out of my seat and roughly (with my hands behind my back) shoved me up the stairs.

The nerve! The brutality!
Here’s the photographic proof!!
Just look at those hands, held roughly — behind — her – hmmmm.
Hey – that’s HER arm. And it’s not being held roughly behind her!!!
There can only be one explanation!!

Cindy has three arms! For this, we blame the evil Bush Administration!!


  1. that link doesn’t work, by the way.
    DUH! don’t you know the president has nothing better to spend government funding on than by surgically attaching extra limbs to his opponents? 🙂
    love it.

  2. Tammy Bruce has a great piece up at
    dubbing mother sheehan a “malignant narcissist.” I think that’s fitting.
    Hannity & Colmes just played a recent clip of Mother Moonbat once again improperly quoting the 30,000 Iraqis killed number stated by the Prez. Could someone fill her in that that’s not the number of innocent civilians who’ve been killed accidentally by murderous American troops. It also includes murderous bastards we’ve killed and the Iraqi police, Iraqi soldiers and innocent civilians who were killed by TRULY murderous bastards. It’s been de-bunked for so long…she might very well know that, but don’t let facts stand in the way!
    sorry, I know you don’t like harsh language on your site.

  3. You know, her letter (and the rest of the garbage she’s spouting) was entertaining for a while (that’s the correct spelling, mother Sheehan, not “awhile”) but it’s long past old. A part of me wishes they’d find some way to throw the book at this thorn in the side of logic and reason and put her away where she can’t put out an annoying sound byte every fifteen minutes.
    On the other hand, she gives us a constant and ironic reminder that the First Amendment she mourns so loudly is not, in fact dead – because I can guarantee the officials of any non-Democratic nation would have shut her up (one way or another) long, long ago.

  4. “I am speechless with fury at what happened and with grief over what we have lost in our country.”
    Speechless? Then how where you able to write those dozen plus paragraphs? (Which also happen to sound like they were prepared beforehand.)

  5. Thank you random yak. Couldn’t (and obviously been able to) said it better myself. You gotta know she’s never lived in a truly theistic, fascist society. She would have disappeared long ago.
    And slapout, you’re right. Totally pre-prepared spewing points.
    It’s funny how we are so reluctant, because she gave birth to a son who grew to be a man so worthy of our admiration and respect that we’ve never (at least on the sites i’ve visited) attacked on a personal level.
    Let’s start a chant you all!!!
    Here it goes:
    why is nobody joining in? What…you have a life and don’t have time for this kind of crap?
    I’ll buy that.

  6. I’m thinking an object lesson in Free-Speech oppression is just what the loon really need. We need a few concerned citizens to start makingvocal, media-whore detractors like Sheehan, Moore, Kos, etc. mysteriously disappear without a trace. Maybe build them into one of those new levees we are reinforcing because Bush really hates New Orleans and Black People.
    I’ll shell out for a van to rent to start the plan in action. Any takers?

  7. I would think that they should have escorted the Ditzy broad democrat from californica who invited her in the first place…damn why blame cindy everyone knows who is paying her way!!!besides most of the folks in the good ole USA ignore stupid people anyway!!! I would like to see her and michael moore get neutered and married, then move to france!

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