The House voted 245-189 to repeal Obamacare. That’s three Democrats joining all the Republicans, making the repeal already more bipartisan than the passage. Now it’s on to the Senate where Democrats will try to keep whether or not they want repealing the super-popular Obamacare coming to a vote.
This is neat because it gets Democrats having to argue the advantages of Obamacare which only ever gets people trusting them less. Like the argument that creating a giant new government program is going to save money. That’s like someone arguing stuffing his face with cake will make him less fat (Michael Moore commonly makes both those arguments). And then there are their Constitutional arguments for Obamacare which only better demonstrates Democrats don’t understand much about the Constitution. For some reason, Democrats trying to come up with Constitutional arguments for their bills reminds me of how dictators these days feel the need to have sham elections.
Anyway, the repeal isn’t going to happen straight like this when Democrats have a majority in the Senate and have the veto power of the presidency, but both of those could change in 2012. Then it’s repeal time, and it will be awesome. All that political capital the Democrats expended, and it will be all for nothing. It will be even better than the Democrats never passing Obamacare in the first place. It’s like if you never not got a kid a toy he wanted versus getting him the toy and then smashing it in front of him before he gets to play with it. If you’ve ever done that, the kid is much sadder in the latter scenario.
And once we get rid of Obamacare, we can pretend these four years never happened and move on to prosperity. The prosperous decades of the last century were the 20s, 50s, and 80s. Going by that pattern, we’re kind of due in the 10s.
Harding, Coolidge, Eisenhower, the Gipper.
I will be more than happy with any conservative, but I hope we get someone with a Southern accent for fun this time.
I hope somewhere at some time someone gets to stand before the Democrats with the ObamaCare bill and say Muwahahahahah as they wipe their butt with it having defeated it with a Republican POTUS waiting to sign it!!!
We could have a lottery for the individual pages as collectable historical artifacts just like the chunks of cement from the Berlin Wall.
What was the toy?
I’m betting it was a GI Joe.
If Congress could pass this with enough votes to over ride Obama’s veto then John Bohener could go to the white house and do the “butt drag move” on Obama! That would be so sweet!
Like Doolittle’s raid on Tokyo soon after Pearl Harbor, not so much damage but one big message that they were not what they thought- invincible -or put another way: people who live in paper houses ought not to start firefights with sleeping giants.
Pretend that these four years didn’t happen? I think it better to teach our children and hand the story down generation to generation as a cautionary myth:
My life fades
the vision dims.
All that remains are memories.
I remember a time of chaos.
But most of all, I remember the courageous leader,
the man we called Christie.
To understand who he was,
you have to go back to another time
when two mighty warrior parties went to war.
Without healthcare, one party was nothing,
They’d built a house of straw.
Their messiah talked and talked,
But their cities crumbled.
Their leaders began to feed on citizens
in a firestorm of fear.
And into this malestrom of decay,
ordinary men were battered and smashed.
Men like Christie,
the warrior Christie,
a man haunted by our past,
taught us to live again.
“And once we get rid of Obamacare, we can pretend these four years never happened and move on to prosperity…”
We must never forget.
The National Debt increased by 5.4 Trillion $$$ since 2006 with the Pelosi / Democrat Congress. How do we pretend THAT never happened? How do we explain THAT to our grand kids??
I’d like to tell our grand kids to go suck it, that we got ours and they are on their own! However, I haven’t seen one penny from the gazillions that have been spent. I’d personally like to know where the hell the money went? So, we are going to tell our grand kids about the good ole’ days of 40 hour work weeks! (They will be working 70 hours per week by Federal Mandate to pay for Social Security for you and me!). We can also tell them that we only had one job rather than three and that we actually owned a house and didn’t live in Government Collectives where you punch a time card when you leave the building and punch back in when you return. We also can tell them about muscle cars and make fun of their ghey little 2 seat lime green eco-friendly “cars” built by the Federal Government (sans radio and air conditioning). Also, we can sit on the porch and tell them of a time when we didn’t have to ride the train or a bicycle to work. We drove our own cars full of fossil fuels with the heater full on, and the windows down so we could smoke a cigarette! They will be like in awe of us. They will look at us like we look at cowboys today!!!
@ussjc: It’s funny you should mention muscle cars and fossil fuels. My obscure tale above comes almost verbatim from the opening of Road Warrior.
I really want this to come up for a vote in the Senate. Even a vote to vote on whether to take it up or not. That way those who vote not to discuss it will be on record as being for Obamacare. Then in 2012 their record can be easily researched and used in the campaign. I want those who didn’t listen to their constituents ON THE RECORD.
I really want this to come up for a vote in the Senate. Even a vote to vote on whether to take it up or not. That way those who vote not to discuss it will be on record as being for Obamacare. Then in 2012 their record can be easily researched and used in the campaign. I want those who didn’t listen to their constituents ON THE RECORD.