What’s With the Left and Dictator Love?

So Hugo Chavez is dead. Don’t know if cancer will get Nobel Peace Prize nomination for that.

So we have a corrupt, America-hating dictator, and he strangely has a lot of fans on the left. We have a U.S. congressman praise him, and a former, failed U.S. president. The left like to pretend they’re for freedom, but they seem to constantly make exceptions. And they all seem to have barely concealed fantasies (or with Thomas Friedman, not concealed at all) about becoming dictators and finally forcing all their progressives ideals on everyone.

And here seems to be another big difference between the right and left. I don’t know if I’ve ever said this, but I don’t like Obama. But when a dictator denounces Obama, I don’t then like that dictator. I just take that attack on Obama as an attack on America itself. But with Chavez and even with the Ahmadinejad, the left seem willing to embrace really awful people just because those people said mean things about Bush. Just another area where the left don’t seem very good at keeping perspective. Of course, they’re never running against Chavez or Ahmadinejad in an election here, and in the end, that’s all they really ever seem to care about.


  1. There are some who are claiming that the US gave Hugo cancer. Tho I haven’t seen it happen yet, how long will it take to make the link that it was specifically Romney who did it? I believe he is the only one who has demonstrated the alleged ability to pull this off.

  2. Wait for it….soon Oliver Stone and Sean Penn (mental mammoths, the both of them) will begin the meme that Mitt Romney/George Bush, working as a secret agent for the shadow-government/Tri-Lateralist Commando Strike Force/Dick Cheney, gave cancer to Chavez by way of a crop-dusting Stealth bomber/P-51, spraying cancer spores into the air above the presidential palace.

    And the dim-thinking proles will believe it.

    Hell, Obama may call for a day of mourning in the U.S., running the colors down to half staff and festooning black crepe along the length of the Truman balcony.

  3. Well, Frank, the Left likes to think of themselves as “social engineers.” As long as they can push their social designs through via democratic processes, they’re fine with that. But, hey, if there are freedom-loving “republicanists” (translated: “believers in the rule of law”) blocking their path, then a dictator will do just fine.

  4. Why?
    Because Lennin, Stalin, Mao, Mussolini and Hitler were all MARXISTS at one time. Some evolved their own versions of Marxism (Lenninism, Stalinism, Obammunism) but at heart they were ALL still Marxists.

    In support of Hitler Democrat Senator Joseph Kennedy Sr. said that he expected the Jew media in the United States to become a problem. He blamed “Jewish pundits in New York and Los Angeles” for lighting the FUSE to start a war. Of course that was before the war was started by Hitler!!

  5. The left love to paint dictators as heroic, publicly praising them and fantasizing how wonderful life would be for us all to live under them. Yet, the same left scream and throw fits at the minor inconvenience of someone attempting to take their picture. If those spoiled brats can’t handle a fan taking their picture, how could they possibly handle food and toilet paper rationing?

  6. The Lefties love dictators because under the dictators, everyone is equal and is given everything by the Big Brother.

    I just wonder how happy Sean Penn, Michael Moore, Susan Sarandon, etc would be to become equal citizens. I would like to see them spend 1 year in any of the countries under the rule of their Utopian leaders, as an ordinary citizen. Live in the housing, live with the constant fear of neighbors spying on you, live with no recourse against the government, live with deplorable sanitation, live with only public transportation, and on and on…And all while the dictator, who made you all equal, lives in several palaces with untold wealth. These leaders are wonderful, hospitable and caring…to wealthy celebrities. These “Americans” who love the dictators couldn’t live among normal people in THIS country, I would love to see them forced to live as normal people in a Lefty ideal country. Drop them in Cuba under an assumed name, with no access to their bank accounts, After 1 year, let’s see what they say about having the government take care of you.

  7. @ CTC:

    “After 1 year, let’s see what they say”

    I’m no secretary, but secretariat
    I’m a musher, not a dog.
    I’m a pro, not pa roletariat–
    A cognoscenti, not a cog.”

  8. The problem is really that they have drunk the Socialist Kool-Ade that the Left has embraced.
    1. They cannot conceive that Socialists would lie to them, and have their own agenda.
    2. The “true” Marxism sounds so Utopian that it must be an Ideal.
    3. This ideal, would require that everyone be equal in all matters.

    What even Marx refused to consider was the human factor. There will always be the ones whose ambitions and lack of scruples will always infiltrate every arena seeking their own success at the cost of others. Until they are actually mugged by reality, they will continue to believe despite the efforts of others to awaken them.

    Sadly, nothing anyone can do will make them believe until it is too late.

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