Leave It to Boehner

I know many of you have been waiting for my opinion on the new Majority Leader so you’d know what to think. First, of course, I had to listen to the pundits on TV so I’d know what to think. Problem was, everything they said was boring so I had to come up with an opinion of my own.
The establishment all wanted Blunt and every single blog wanted Shadegg, thus we got Boehner. This is good.
All the howler monkeys of the leftwing blogs were screeching and flinging poo about wanting a filibuster on Alito, so the Democrats gave them their dog and pony show. When the rightwing blogs made a fuss, the Republicans seemed to listen (no Blunt), but they didn’t answer, “How high?” when we said, “Jump!” (no Shadegg) Again, that is good. As soon as the Republicans do everything blogs tell them, that means they’re weak and out of ideas. The establishment is still strong enough that, when we demanded Shadegg, they were like, “Well, who the hell are you?”
And, no, I don’t know how to pronounce “Boehner,” but Godspeed to him.


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