Democrats Need a Direction

Despite missteps by the Republicans and the Bush Administration, Democrats have not been able to make any gains since they lack a direction. To help, I shall give the Democrats a direction:

That’s right, Democrats, head north! You can feel it in your heart that’s where your destiny lies. So begin you journey and prepare yourself for the adventure ahead.
That’s right; start marching North.
Good, Democrat.


  1. First.
    If the Dems go north, won’t they end up in Canadia? I thought the Canadians were finally moving in the right direction… to the right! Why saddle these late bloomers with our liberal trash? Send it to Me-Hee-Co where it belongs.

  2. Since the magnetic poles are shifting (due to global warming no doubt) if the Dems go north they will wind up in Greenland. Its a win-win. They can frolic with the native birds, raise tobacco for cigars, and tax each other into the ground. The folks who are left (right?) can get back to business.

  3. We could be usher them all off the west coast & let them use Mikey Moore, Janine Garofalo, Caroline Rhea and Rosie O as flotation devices. I realize they’re fat, but they’re also full of hot air. And they could use Cindy as a sail, since she goes whichever way the wind blows, anyway.

  4. Why won’t someone in Arkansas come forth with all the evil that the Clintons were a part of? For those of you too young to know, two young boys found a large quantity of marijuana that was dropped from an airplane. It turned out to involve associates of the Clintons. The boys were found dead shortly thereafter tied down to a railroad track. Their deaths were not ruled a homicide in an obvious coverup by the local law enforcement folks. The whole thing was washed over including the Clinton’s connection. Hell, it may have actually been their marijuana. Bill smoked the stuff! Many other stories about them have been squashed over the years. So many I can’t recall all of them. One last thought tonight, how about all the women that Bill used and abused and got away with everything because he had power and they didn’t?

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